Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/717

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 482. JULY 14, 1932 . of Alask a, and for o ther p urpose s," ap proved Januar y 27, 1905, as amended (U . S. C., title 48, sets . 321-337), and to be expended con- formably to the provisions of said Act as amended, $494,310, to be available immediately, and to include $1,000 compensation to the president of the Board of Road Commissioners for Alaska, in addition to his regular pay and allowances . RIVERS AND HARBORS To be immediately available and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engin eers s For the preservation and maintenance of existing river and harbor works, an d for the prosecut ion of su ch projec ts hereto fore auth orized as may be mos t desi rable in the inter ests of comme rce an d navi ga- tion ; for survey of northern and northwestern lakes, and other boundary and connecting waters as heretofore authorized, including th e prepara tion, cor rection, printing, and iss uing of c harts and bul- letins and tl}e investigation of lake levels ; for prevention of obstruc- tive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City ; for expenses of the California Debris Com- mission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act approved March 1, 1893 (U. S. C., title 33, sec. 661) ; and for examinations, urveys, and contingencies of rivers and harbors : Provided, That no funds shall be expended for any preliminary examination survey, roject, or es timate not a uthori zed b law, $60,000,000 : Provided ~urther, That the existing project for the improvement of the Miami River, Florid a, aut horize d by t he Riv ers and Harbo rs Act appro ved July 3, 1930, is hereby modified to include the improvement recom- mended by the Chief of Engineers in the report submitted in Senate Document Numbered 95, Seventy-second Congress, first session, pro- vided that the authorization of $800,000 for the existing project shall not be increased but is hereby continued as the total authorization for the project as herein modified : Provided further, That the exist- ing river and harbor project at Monroe Harbor, Michigan, as author- ized by the Act approved July 3, 1930, and in accordance with Committee on Rivers and Harbors House of Representatives, Docu- ment Numbered 22, Seventy-first Congress, second session, is hereby modified in accordance with the report submitted in Committee on Rivers and Harbors, House of Representatives, Document Numbered 12, Seventy-second Congress, first session . MU SCLE SHOALS For operatin , maintai nin g, and keeping in repair the works at Dam N umber ed 2, Ten nesse e Riv er, inclu ding the h ydro elect rical development, and including not to exceed $375 for or on account of trav el, $2 45,184 , to r emain availa ble unt il Jun e 30, 1933, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers . Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries : For prosecuting work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C., Supp . V, title 33, sec. 702a), $32,000000 . Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River : For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- control work on any tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened or destroyed by flood, in accordance with section 7 of Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . V, title 33, sec . 702g), $400,000 . 693 Pres ide nt, Bo ard of Road Commissioners. Rivers and harbors . Immed iately avail . able. Preservation, a o n - straction, etc., of au- thorized projects . Boundary waters, etc ., surveys . New York Harbor . California Debris Commission . Vol.27p.507. U.S.d.,p. 1088. Provisos . Unauthorized pros . ects forbidden . Miami River Fla . Project modified. Vol.48,p. 925. Authorization not to be increased, etc . Monroe Harbor, Mich. Projec t modif led . Vol.48,p. 930. Muscle Shoals . Operating etc.,works at Dam loo. 2, Ten. nessee River. Flood control Mississippi River, et c. Em ency fund for tributes . Vol. 45, ..537. U. S. O., Supp. V, p. 51L