Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/742

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 520 . JULY 21, 1932 . to be engaged upon such work and to be in addition to employees otherwise provided for . Emergency public (10) Far emergency construction of public building projects out- e Gilding oonstructiou, side the District of Columbia (including the acquisition, where nec- essary, by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, of sites and addi- tionalland for such buildings, the . demolition of old buildings where Proj ects sele cted . necessary, and the construction, remodeling, or extension of build- ings), such projects to be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General from the public building projects speci- fied i n Hous e Docu ment N umbere d 788, Sevent y-firs t Seventy-first Congress, third Limitsofcost . cost,

session, $100,000,000 . Such projects shall be carried out within the limits of cost specified in such document (except as modified by law), Displacing rented and in selecting such projects preference shall be given to places buildings .

where Government facilities are housed in rented buildings under leases which will expire on or before July 1, 1934, or which may Military posts, con- be terminated on or prior to that date by the Government . struction,etc .

(1 1) For the c onstru ction and in stalla tion at milit ary po sts of Poet, p . 1580.

Such buildings and utilities and appurtenances thereto as may be necessary $15,164,000, as follows Albroo~ Field, Canal Zone : Quartermaster maintenance building, $20 ,00 0 ; p ost e xcha nge, theat er, and g ymnas ium, comp letio n of, $42,000 . Barksdale Field, Louisiana : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $252,000 ; officers' quarters, $609,000 ; barracks, $47 4,000 ; hospital, complet ion of , $225,000 ; garage, completion of, $30,000 ; qua rter- master warehouse, completion of, $15,000 . William Beaumont General Hospital, Texas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $7,000 ; warehouse, $15,000 . Fort Benning, Georgia : Barracks, $650,000 . Fort Bliss, Texas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $50,000 ; officers' quarters, $1 50 , 00 0 . Bolling Field, District of Columbia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $54,000 ; dispensary, completion of, , $ 30,000 ; post exchange, theater, and gymnasium, completion of, $45,000 ; officers' me ss, $50,000 ; enlargement of central heating plant to provide for quarters area, $95,000 . Fort Bragg, North Carolina : Barracks, completion of, $40,000 ; noncommis sioned of ficers' q uarters, $160,000 . Car lisle Barrac ks, Pe nnsylv ania : Heating plant , $200 ,000 . Poet, p . 1580.

Cha nute Fiel d, Illino is : Noncommis sioned of ficers' q uarters, $137,- 000 ; central heating lant for technical and quarters area, $200,000 . Camp Devens, Massachusetts : Roads and sidewalks, $75,000 ; service c lub, $30, 000 . post exchange and gymnasium, $50,000 . Fort Douglas, Utah : Noncol . missioned oIcers' quarters, $15,000 . Dryden, Texas : Barracks, $20,000 . Duncan Field, Texas : Quartermaster warehouse, $40,000 ; quarter- master maintenance building, $20,000 ; garage, $40,000 ; fire and guard hou se, $25,0 00 . Fort Du Pont, Delaware : Nonco mmissi oned o fficer s' qua rters, $60,000 . Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $70,000. Fitzsimons General Hospital, Colorado : Gymnasium, recreation, and social hall, $150,000 . Ham ilton Field, Calif ornia : Officers' qu arters, $215,000 ; n on c om - missioned officers' quarters, $120,000 . Fort Hamilton, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $100,000 .