Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/823

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72d C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 46, 48, 49. FEBRUARY 9, 11, 1933 . 799 [C HAPTE R 46 .] AN ACT

February Y9,1933 . To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a [s.6357.1 bridge across the Columbia River at or near Astoria, Oregon .

[Public, No. 331 .1 B e it enac ted by the S enate and Ho use of Repres entati ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times Columbia River for fo r comm encing and c omplet ing th e cons tructio n of a bridg e acro ss bridging, at Astoria, the Columbia River at or near Astoria, Oregon, authorized to be Ore g . built by J . C . Tenbrook, as mayor of Astoria, Oregon, his successors in office and assigns, by an Act of Congress approved June 10, 1930 naeaA p' m0' (46 Stat . 540), are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from the date of approval hereof . SEc. 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendme nt . expressly reserved . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That an Act to MemoodlB,eD Roosevelt establi sh a m emoria l to T heodor e Roos evelt, approv ed May 21, 1 932 Ante, p . 163, amend- (Pub lic, Numbe red 1 46, Seven ty-se cond Cong ress) , be amen ded a s ed. fol low s That wherever the name tt Roosevelt Island" appears in sections "Theodore xoose_ 1, 2, and 3 of this Act it shall be stricken out and the name " Theodore veil Island." Roosevelt Island " shall be inserted in lieu thereof . SEC. 2. In all public documents, records, and maps of the United to Public records, etc., States in which such island is designated or referred to it shall be designated as " Theodore Roosevelt Island ." Approved, February 11, 1933 . [CHA PTE R 49 .1 JOINT RESOLUTION To provide appropriations to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to author- -

[H. J.Res 21, 1933. . 597.1

697 ize the distribution of Government-owned cotton to the American National Red [Pub. Res., No. 61,1 Cross and other organizations for relief of distress," approved February 8, 1933 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That to e nable Government-owned the Fe deral Farm B oard t o carr y into effect the p rovisi ons of the coAppropriation for Act ent itled "An Ac t to a uthori ze the distri bution of Go vernme nt- distr ibuti ngemen sesi owned cotton to th e Amer ican N ationa l Red C ross a nd oth er org ani- zations for relief of distress," approved February 8, 1933, there is Ante, p . 797. hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, the sum of $4,100,000 : Provided, That in addi- Proviso8 . tion to the purposes for which an appropriation - was made by Public priati onf forme r appro Resolution Numbered 43 of the Seventy-second Congress, approved Ante, pp . 605, 741 . July 22, 1932, for carrying out the provisions of the joint resolution entitled " Joint resolution authorizing the distribution of Govern- ment-owned wheat and cotton to the American National Red Cross and ot her or ganiza tions for re lief o f distr ess," approv ed Jul y 5, 193 2, any balance, or so much thereof as may be necessary, now or hereaf ter ex isting in su ch app ropria tion is hereb y made avail able to enable the Federal Farm Board to carry into effect the provisions of such Act of February 8, 1933 : Provided further, That the unex- galance tafer,ed& pended balance, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the Approved, February 9, 1933 . [CHAPTER 48 .1 AN ACT Feb

11, 1933 . To change the name of "Roosevelt Island" to "The odore Roos evelt Isl and ." [H. R. 14228.1 [Public, No. 3321