Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/833

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72d CONGRES S . SESS. II. CHS. 74, 75. FEBRUARY 15, 1933 .

809 and 21, to the southeast corner of Koochiching County ; thence con- t~u crfptlon-Con ° tinuing west on the south bounds of said county to its intersection with the common line as between ranges 25 and 26 bearing north into Koochiching County and south into Itasca County ; thence south on to the south range line, being also the west bounds of townships 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62 north of range 25 as in Itasca County to the southeast corner of township 56 north range 26 ; thence west onto and following the south bounds of said township to its intersection with the corrected range line common to range 25 on the west side and range 27 on the east side thereof ; thence angling to the left onto and following the said range line south, from this point being the com- mon division line as between, in part, Itasca and Aitkin Counties, to the southeast corner of township 139 north, range 25 west ; thence west on and along the south bounds of said township in range 25 west, crossing ranges 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 to the southeast corner of Hubbard County ; thence north on the east bounds of Hubbard County to the northeast corner of township 140 north, range 32 west ; thence west on and along the north bounds of town- ship 140, ranges 32, 33, 34, and 35 to the northwest corner of said township 140 north, range 35 west, as located on county line as between Hubbard and Becker Counties ; thence south on the west boundary line of Hubbard County to the northwest corner of town- ship 139 north, range 35 west ; being also the northeast corner of township 139 north, range 36 west as 1n Becker County ; thence west on the north bounds of said township 139 north as said north bounds c rosse s rang es 36 to 43, both inclu sive, to a- point where said north bounds intersects with the common line as between Becker and Clay Counties ; thence north on and along the west bounds of said Becker County to the north bounds thereof ; thence continuing north on and following the range line of ranges 43 and 44 west as it is located between the townships 143 to 146 north in Norman County to the north bounds of the said Norman County ; thence east following and along the north bounds of Norman County to the northeast corner thereof, being also the northwest corner of Mahnomen County ; thence continuing east following and on the north bounds of Mahno- men County to the northeast corner thereof ; thence continuing east following and along the north bounds of township 146 north, range 38 west, in Clearwater County to the northeast corner thereof

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south following and along the east bounds of said township to the southeast corner thereof ; thence east following and along the south bounds of township 146 north, ranges 37 and 36 west, to the inter- section of said south bounds with the west bounds of Beltrami County ; thence continuing east following and along the common boundary line as between said Beltrami and Hubbard Counties to the place of beginning . Approved, February 15, 1933 . [CHAPTER 75 .] AN ACT

Feb ruary 15, 1 538 . To authorize the Postmaster General to permit railroad and electric-car corn- Is .B . 96+3.1 panes to provide mail transportation by motor vehicle in lieu of service by ti'ubuq Na 35 0. 1 train . Be it enacted by the ,Senatecrnd Hotcse of Be esentatiyes of the rostalService . United States of America in Congress assemb d, That the Post- ~ tr anspo rtati on master General is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to permit n o btrain, aQa t boIn railroad and electric-car companies to provide mail transportation Inst . by motor vehicle over highways in lieu of service by train, the corn- Payment therefor.