Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/837

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS. 89, 90. FEBRUARY 16, 1933 .

$13 o f the postal rev enues, shall al so be available to pay the losse s which are chargeable to the Canal Zone postal service . Sno . 4. That all other laws for the operati on of the Canal Zone D yfed l aws re- postal service, excepting section 43a of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone, are hereby repealed . Approved, February 16, 1933 . [CHAPTER 90 .1 AN ACT

Pebrasry 16 ,1 933 . To provide for the establishment of a Customs Service in the Canal Zone, and [H. R .7616.) other matters .

[Public, No. 366 .] Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Governor ~Oral zone, customs of the Panama Canal shall have control for customs purposes ov er Est abl ishm ent of, all articles, including passengers' baggage, introduced into the Canal p Anth~ority of aov. Zone and he is authorized to es tablish rules and regulations gov ern- ernor . ing the entry and importation of goods into s aid zone the dis posal of goods brought into the Canal Zone in violation of suci regulations, and to alter and amend such rules and regulations from time to time. SEC. 2 . That general powers of search, seizure, and arrest are rowers conferred hereby conferred upon customs officers in the Canal Zone, including eu n customs oiBeers, deputy shipping commissioners and boarding officers when perform- ing customs duties . In the exercise of these powers customs officers are authori zed to enter any building, othe r than dwelling houses, to stop vessels and vehicles, and to search vessels, vehicles, and their co nt en t s ; and to stop an d search persons and any packag es carried by them. Such right of ent ry, stopping, sea rch, seizure, an d arrest Right o f entry, etc ., shall be ex ercised only when here are reasona ble grounds for sus- restricted . petting violat ions of the cus toms rules and r egulations autho rized hereunder or of the United States applicable in the Canal Zone . Sno .3 . That it shall be unl awful to enter or import, or at tempt Unlawful entry or to enter or import, any articles or merchandise into the Canal Zone until the e ntry or importat ion of such art icles or merchan dise has been approve by the proper officers of the Canal Zone, and that it shall further be unlawful to pass, or attempt to pass, any false, forged, or fraudulent inv oice or bill or o ther paper, for the purpose e Fraudulent invoices . of securing the entry or importation into the Canal Zone of any articles or merchandise in violation of the rules and regulations to be promulgated in pursuance of the authority contained in the first section of this Act, and any article brought into or obtained in the Canal Zone in violation of such regulations may be seized and held, seizure. and, unless within a period of thirty days from the date of seizure such articles are entered in conformity to the rules and regulations to be prom ulgated by the governor, they may be confisca ted and disposed of as provided in such rules and regulations . Any person

went. violating the provisions of this section or any of the rules and regulations authorized hereu nder, shall, upon conviction, be p uni she d by a fine not exceeding $100, or y imprisonment in jail not exceed- ing ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment . Sac . 4 . That if any vessel arriving at the Canal Zone from any moo e1gn isv e essetl wi th port, other than a port in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama, rested . is found to have on board merchandise not manifested, the master Pe nal ty of such vessel shall be liable to a pena lty equal in am ount to the value of the merchandise not manifested, and all such merchandise belonging to or consigned to or for the officers or crew of the vessel shall be forfeited : Provided, however, That such penalty shall not Erempilone be im posed if it is ma de to appear to t he customs offic ers, or to the court ui which the trial is held, that no part of the cargo has been