Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/869

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CA. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

845 as a part of the construction or operation and maintenance cost payable by the water users under the projects the unexpended balance A~nte1e ii 7 ailab1e . of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1933 is continued available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1934 ; Limitation of expenditures : Under the provisions of this Act no c ap • e•iflet alloim greater sum shall be expended nor shall the United States be obli- gated to expend during the fiscal year 1934, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein, an amount in excess of the sum herein appropriated therefor, nor shall the whole expenditures or obligations incurred for all of such projects for the fiscal year 1934 exceed the whole amount in the "reclamation fund" for the fiscal year ; Interchange of appropriations : Ten per centum of the foregoing pr shan8e of appro amounts shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the reclamation projects named ; but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said projects, except that should existing works or the water supply for lands under culti vation be en dange red by flood s or o ther u nusua l cond itions

ergency flood ro an amount sufficient to make necessary emergency repairs shall be- come available for expenditure by further transfer of appropriation from any of said projects upon approval of the Secretary of the Inter ior ; Total from reclamation fund, $3,003,000.

Yƒ~ pro ject, Ariz .- River defray the cost of operating and maintaining the Colorado calu. River front work and levee system adjacent to the Yuma Federal wvk a •a ddaceni a front irrig ation projec t in A rizon a and Califo rnia, subjec t onl y to s ection Vol. 41, p. 1o1e. 4 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction, repair and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," approved January 21, 1927 (44 Stat ., p . 1010), $48,000, to be immediately available, together with the unexpended Ante, p.118. balance of the appropriation for the fiscal year 1933 . Boulder Canyon project : For the continuation of construction of p Wit!conetruciio •II the Hoover Dam and incidental works in the main stream of the Colorado River at Black Canyon, to create a storage reservoir, and of a complete plant and incidental structures suitable for the fullest economic development of electrical energy from the water discharged from such reservoir ; to acquire by proceedings in eminent domain or othe rwise, all l ands, right s of w ay, an d othe r prop erty necess ary fo r such purposes ; and for incidental operations, as authorized by the Vol45p .1057. Boulder Canyon Project Act, approved December 21, 1928 (U . S. C ., u. S. d.,supp. VI,p . Supp . V, title 43, ch . 12A) : $8,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until advanced to the Colorado River Dam fund, which amount shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia and for all other objects of expenditure that are specified for projects included in this Act under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation" without regard to the limitations of amounts therein set forth : Provided, That of this fund not to exceed s nol tiuilalngs, etc. $18,000 shall be available for the erection, operation, and main- tenance of necessary school buildings and appurtenances on the Boulder Canyon project Federal reservation, and for the purchase and repair of required desks, furnishings, including maps, globes, stationery, books, schoolroom equipment, and other suitable facili- ties : Provided further, That of this fund not to exceed $50,000, reim- rp fixations and bur sable, shall be av ailab le for inves tigati on and repo rts as autho r-,p. 1085. ized by section 15 of the Bou lder Canyon Project Act : Pr ovi ded 789'8 C ., Supp .ITS,p . further, That no part of any appropriation in this Act for the veetigating new r•aro- Bureau of Reclamation shall be used for investigations to determine seta . the economic and,/or financial feasibility of any new reclamation project .