Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/873

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CA. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

849 titles and preparation of abstracts thereof of lands donated to the United States for inclusion in the Acadia National Park, and not exceeding $1,800 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of mot or-dri ven pa ssenge r-carr ying ve hicles for t he use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $54,200; for the construction of physical improvements, $800; in all, $55,000 . Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah : For administration, protec- BryceCanyon, 'Ctab . tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $300 for the mainte- nance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion with the general park work, $11,390; for construction of an equipment shed, $2,400; in all, $13,790 . Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico : For administra- Car]sbad caverns, tion, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $800 for N. Max. the mai ntenan ce, op eratio n, and repai r of mo tor-dr iven p asseng er- carryin g vehi cles f or the use of the superin tenden t and employ ees in connection with general park work, $68,330 . Crater Lake National Park, Oregon : For administration, protec- Crater Laze, ores . tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $800 for the mainte- nance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion wi th gen eral p ark wo rk, $5 3,670; for co nstructio n of phys ical improvements, $8,000, including $2,000 for extension of electric system and $6 ,000 f or ext ension and i mprovem entt o f wate r syst em; in all, $61,670 . General Grant National Park, California : For administration, General Grant, CaUL protect ion, a nd mai ntenan ce, in cludin g not e xceedi ng $40 0 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of a motor-driven passenger- carrying vehicle, $15,000 . Glacier National Park, Montana : For administration, protection, Glac[er, Mont . and m ainte nance, in cludi ng ne cess ary r epair s to the roads from Glacier Park Station through the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to the various points in the boundary line of the Glacier National Park and the inter nation al bou ndary, inclu ding nc ,~ exc eeding $750 for the mai ntenan ce, op eratio n, and repai r of mo tor-dr iven p asseng er- carryin g vehi cles f or the use of the superin tenden t and employ ees in connection with general park work, $191,300; for construction of physica l impr ovemen ts, $8 ,700, includ ing not excee ding $ 4,000 for a ranger station, $1,500 for a road maintenance camp, $1,200 for two snowshoe cabins, and $2,000 for two camp-tender cabins; in all, $200,000 . Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona : For administration, Grand Canyon, Aria. protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,000 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger- carryin g vehi cles f or the use of the superin tenden t and employ ees in connection with general park work, $128,890; for construction of physica l impr ovemen ts, $7 ,000, includ ing not excee ding $ 3,000 for laborers' cabins and $4,000 for camp-ground development; in all, $135,890 . Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming : For administration, pro- G rand Teto n, Wyo . tection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,500 for the purcha se, ma intena nce, o perati on, an d repai r of m otor-d riven pas- senge r-car rying veh icles for the use of the supe rint enden t and employees in connection with general park work, $20,000 . Pr opose d Gr eat S moky Mount ains Nati onal Park, Nor th Ca rolin a Great Smoky Moan . and Tennessee : For administration and protection of the portion tams, N. C .-Tenn . of the area of such proposed park the title of which has been vested