Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/926

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS .114,116 . FEBRUARY 23, 24,1933, [CHAPTER 114. 1 JOINT RESOLUTION February 23, 1933 . [s . a .Res . 237.1 _ Authorizing the erection in the Department of State Building of a memorial to [Pub . Res., No . 55.i

the American diplomatic and consular officers who while on active duty lost the ir lives under her oic or tr agic circ umstances . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Bui d stm ent of St ate Unite d Stat es o f Ameri ca in Congre ss asse mbled That the Director Memorial qtherized of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital be, in, to American diplo- matic, and consular and he is hereby, authorized to grant permission to the American officers dying under Foreign Service Association for the erection of a memorial to the hero ic, etc ., cir cum- stances .

Americ an dip lomati c and consul ar off icers w ho whi le on active duty Approval of design lost their lives under heroic or tragic circumstances . The design of and site .

the memorial shall be approved and the site in the Department of Stat e Bui lding shal l be chos en by the Comm issio n of Fine Arts , No Federa l expense . and the United States shall be put to no expense in or by the erection of the said memorial . Approved, February 23, 1933 . February 24, 1933 . [5.4005 .] [Public, No . 368 .] Oleomargarine, etc . Vol.24,P.210;Vol. 40, p .1008, amended . U.S.C.,p.777. Receptacl es used in packing, may include tin . Min imum wei ght ; branding, etc . To be sold in original packages . Retail sale require- ments . Punishmen t for vio- lati ons . Adulterated butter. Pack age requ ire . ments modif ied . Vol . 32, p. 1 95, ame nd ed . Tin-plate added . [CHAPTER 116 .] AN ACT Authorizing the packing of oleomargarine and adulterated butter in tin and other suitable packages .

- Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 6 of the Ac t enti tled " An Act defin ing bu tter, a lso im posing a tax upon and reg ulatin g the manufa cture, sale, import ation, and e xporta tion of oleomargarine," a proved August 2, 1886, as amended (U . S . C ., title 26, sets. 543, 544), is amended to read as follows "SEC . 6. That all oleomargarine shall be packed by the manu- facturer thereof in firkins, tubs, or other wooden, tin-plate, or paper package s, not befor e used for t hat pu rpose, contai ning, or enc ased in a manufacturer's package made from any of such materials of, not less than ten pounds and marked, stamped, and branded as the Commis sioner of In ternal Reven ue, wi th the approv al of the Se cre- tary of the Treasury, shall prescrie ; and all sales made by manu- factur ers of oleom argari ne and whole sale de alers in ole omarga rine shall be in original stamped packages . Retail dealers in oleomar- garine must sell only from original stamped packages, in quantities not exceeding ten pounds, and shall pack, or cause to be packed, the oleomargarine sold by them in suitable wooden, tin-plate, or paper packages which shall be marked and branded as the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall prescribe . Every person who knowingly sells or offers for sale, or delivers or offers to deliver, any oleomargarine in any other form t han in new w ooden, tin-pl ate, o r pape r pack ages as above described, or who packs in any package any oleomargarine in any manner contrary to law, or who falsely brands any package or affixes a stamp on any Tall age denoting a less amount of tax than th at req uired by law shall be fi ned for each offens e not more than $1 ,000, and be impri soned not mo re than two y ears . " SEc . 2 . (a) The eighth paragraph of section 4 of the Act of May 9, 1902 (32 Stat . 193, ch . 784) is amended to read as follows : " That all adulterated butter shalf be packed by the manufacturer thereof in firkins, tubs, or other wooden tin-plate, or paper packages not before used for that purpose, containing, or encased in a manu- facturer's package made from any of such materials of, not less than ten pounds, and marked, stamped, and branded as the Commissioner