Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/939

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72d C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 127. FEBRUARY 27, 1933 .

915 SEC. 49. VRRTFICATION OF ACCUSATION .-The accusation must state Verification oL the matters charged, and be verified by the oath of some person, to the effect that the charges therein contained are true, which verifi- cation may be made upon information and belief when the accusation is resented by, an organized bar association . ~EO. 50. CITATION OF ACCUSED BY PUBLICATION :Upon receiving the by Citation of

d accusation, the district court shall make an order requiring the accused to appear and answer it at a specified time, and shall cause a copy of the order and of the accusation to be served upon the accused at least five days before the day appointed in the order . If it shall appear by affidavit to the satisfaction of the court or judge that the accused resides out of the Canal Zone ; or has departed from the Canal Z one ; or can not, after due diligence, be found within the Canal Zone ; or conceals himself to avoid the service of the order to show cause, the court or judge may direct the service of a citation to the accused, requiring him to appear and answer the accusation, to be made by publication in a newspaper of general circulation, in the Canal Zone for thirty d71e, Such citation must be directed to the accused ; recite the date fi ling of the accu sati on, the name of the accuser, and the general nature of the charges against him, and require him to appear and answer the accusation at a specified time . On proof of the publication of the citation as herein required the court shall have jurisdiction to proceed to hear the accusation and render judgment with like effect as if an order to show cause and a copy of the accusation had been personally served on the accused . SEC. 51 . APPEARANCE.---The accused must appear at the time Appearance . appointed in the order, and answer the accusation, unless, for suf- ficient cause, the court assign another day for that purpose . If he do not appear, the court may proceed and determine the accusation in his absence . SEC. 52. OBJECTIONS TO ACCUSATION .The accused may answer to u0 abieecions to I the accu sati on ei ther by obje ctin g to its suf fici ency or deny ing it . SEC. 53. DE MU RRE R .-If he object to the sufficiency of the accusa- Demurrer . tion, the objection must be in writing, but need not be in any specific form, it being sufficient if it presents intelligibly the grounds of the objection . If he deny the accusation, the denial may be oral and without oath, and must be entered upon the minutes . SEC . 54. ANswEs.-If an objection to the sufficiency of the accusa- Answern tion be not sustained, the accused must answer within such time as may be designated b the court . SEC . 55. TniAL.-If the accused plead guilty, or refuse to answer Trial. the accusation, the court shall proceed to judgment of removal or suspension . If he deny the matters charged, the court shall, at such time as it may appoint, proceed to try the accusation . SEc . 56. Rm aius ca To TAKE DEPOSITIONS.-The court may, in its aeepo of to take discretion, order a reference to a committee to take depositions in the matter . SEc . 57. JuDOmENT.-Upon the receipt of a certified copy of the anagment, record of conviction of an a ttor ney ofa cri me i nvol ving mor al turpitude, the district court must suspend the attorney until judg- ment in the case has become final . When a jud gmen t of con vict ion in such case has become final the court sha11 order the attorney permanently disbarred. When the attorney has been foun d gu ilty of the charges made in proceedings not based upon a record of con- viction, judgment shall be rendered disbarring the attorney either permanently or for a limited time, according to the gravity of the offense charged . During such suspension or disbarment the attorney shall be precluded from practicing as an attorney at law or as an attorney or agent of another in and before all courts, commissions,