Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1023

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DOUBLE INCOME TAX-SHIPPING PROFITS-DENMARK, ETC. 2613 a foreign country which grants an equivalent exemption to citizens of the United States, and state that ~our Government is prepared to declare to the Government of the United States that the income of a non-resident alien or foreign corporation which consists of earnings derived from the operation of ships documented under the lnws o'f the United States will, on the condition of reciprocity, not be subject to taxation in Denmark or Iceland.... I have the honor to state that in order to establish hetween the United States and Denmark and the United States and Iceland the reciprocal income tux exemption provided for in Section 213 (b) (8) of the Revenue Act of 1921, it will be necessary for the Danish Gov- ernment to declare that the income from sources in Denmark and Iceland of a citizen of the United States or of an American corpora- tion which consists exclusively of earnings derived from the operation of ships documented under the laws of the United States is not subject to income taxation in Denmark or in Iceland. Upon the receipt of a note to this effect from the Danish Government this Government will declare, in a note to the Danish Government, that Denmark and Iceland satisfy the equivalent exemption provision of Section 213 (b) (8) of the Revenue Act of 1921. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurnnces of my highest consideration. MR. CONSTANTIN BRUN, Minister oj Denmark CHARLES E. HUGHES The Danish Minister (Brun) to the SecretaMJ oj State (Hughes) No. 236. SIR: ROYAL DANISH LEGATION, WASHINGTON, August 18, 1922. By my letter of August 12th (No. 230) regarding an exchange of notes between the Government of Denmark and the Government of the United States for the reciprocal exemption of shipowners from income tax, I stated it to be the understanding of the Danish Government that this exemption when established would be as from January 1st 1921, notwithstanding the fact that the actual excha.n2e of notes can not be arranged for until some time hence because tile conditions stated in your note to me of August 9th must first be brought to the knowledge of the Danish Government. I would be greatly obliged to you if you would be so good as to confirm to me the correctness of the above named understanding. I have the honor to be, Sir, with the highest consideration, Your most obedient and humble servant, THE HONORABLE CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, Secretary oj State, Department of State, ltYashington, D. O. C. BRUN.