Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1070

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2660 HAITIANIZATION AGREEMENT. The Government of Haiti agrees that in case of epidemic or ~rave danger menacing the public health within the above mentioned cities of Cape Haitian and Port-au-Prince the Mission will cooperate with the National Public Health Service to combat the danger and for this purpose shall be authorized to make all necessary recom- mendations, and to make use of all the facilities and all of the organ- izations of the above mentioned Service; and the Haitian Govern- ment, under such circumstances, will take the necessary measure3 and provide the necessary credits. ARTICLE IV. The Mission provided for in the preceding article will comprise three American medical officers nominated by: the Government of the United States and appointed by the PresIdent of Haiti. Their status will be assimilated so far as the salary that they receive from the public treasury is concerned to that of Public Health Officer;; first class provided for by the law of August 8, 1926. The l\;{ission may also mclude, in addition, as a maximum six hospital corpsmen of the United States Navy who will be paid in conformity \\ith a budget approved by the Minister of Interior upon the basis of till' law of December 5, 1924. The Mission \\ill have the right to suitable offices at Cape Haitian and Port-au-Prince. The funds necessary for the payment of the Haitian -personnel and for the functioning of the sanitary services in the cIties of Cape Haitian and Port-au-Prinee will be provided for in It hudget which shall be approved in advanee by the Minister of Interior. ARTICLE Y. The Accord of August 24, 1918, regarding the communication of projects of Haitian laws to the Legation of the United States of America at Port-au-Prince, is and remains abrogated from this date. If, nevertheless, the Government of the United States should deem a given law to be seriously inconsistent with any rights arising from provisions of agreements still in force, it will present its views to the Haitian Government through diplomatic channels for all proper purposes. ARTICLE \'1. The Accord of December 3, 1918, relating to the visa of the Finan- cial Adviser on orders of payment issued by the Secretarv of State for Finance, on the Receiver:Genernl of Customs, or on the National Bank of the Republic of Haiti; is find remains abrogated. The Minister of Finance shall reach an agreement with the Finaneial Adviser on the procedure governing the service of payments. The abrogation of the visa implips an obligntion on the part of the Government of Haiti until the liquidation of the services of the Financial Adviser-General Receiver to ,make its expenditures within the limits of laws and credits voted or decreed with the accord of the Financial Adviser. The Haitian Government will rpaeh agreement~ with the Financial Adviser regarding the lliPSSUl'es affecting sources of revenue pending the liquidation of the services of the Financial Adviser-General Receiver.