Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1089

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LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-JAPAN. TIu Japa'Msf. Minister Jor Foreign Affa,irs (Shidehara) to the American Oharg~ d'Affaires aainferim (Nevilk) No.30/CI (Translation) DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TOKYO, AlarcJ" 19,1931. MONSIEUR LE CHARG:t D'AFFAIRES: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Embassy's note dated February 13, 1931, informing me, ",ith reference to the arrange- ment made between our two Governments in 1922 in respect of ship load-line certificates, that a law entitled "An Act to Establish Load- lines for American vessels, and for other purposes" has been enacted, and became effective September 2, 1930, and inquiring whether or not the Japanese Government would be willing to continue the above- mentioned arran~ement of 1922 pt>nding the coming into force of the International ShIP Load-line Convention, which was signed at London on .July 5, 1930. 'When the notes were exchanged betwel'n the Japanese and Amer- ican Governments in 1922, no ship load-line law had been enacted in the United States, and the question of the recognition by the United States of load-Ifne certificates of Japnnese ships wns not raised. Consequently, no definite arrungement WIlS made regarding this mat- ter, the .Japanese Government merely undertnking unilttterally to recognize certificates issued by the American Bureau of Shipping, pending the enactment in the United States of a law regulating ship load-lines. I wish to be assured, 8.nd request that you indicate in f('ply, that you have no objection to my interpreting your note, above-mentioned, to mean that pending the coming into force of the International Ship Load-line Convention, the Japanese Government will continue the .arrangement of 1922 while the American Government will also recognize as valid load-line certificates duly issued hy the competent Japanese authorities or by officially designated shipping associations, and their corresponding marks. P~nding the receipt of your reply, the Japanese Goventment will contmue to r~ard the arrangement. of 1922 as effective, and I trust that the Amencan Government will also recognize as valid the ship load-line certificates issued by the competent Japanese authorities or by officially designated shippmg associn t.ions, unci thE'ir corresponding marks. In compliance with your request, J htwe the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the laws and ordinnnces, together \\it.h a coPY in translation, relating to ship lond-lines. • I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Monsieur Ie Charge d'Affaires, the assurances of my high consideration. BARON KIJURO SHIDEHARA, Mini..'1ter for Foreign Affairs (SEAL) EDWIN L. NEVILLE, Esquire, Oharge d'4ffaires ad interim, oj the l!;mbassy oj the Un'ited Stutes oj America, Tokyo. 2679