Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1101

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LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-DENMARK. has been issued b~ the Danish Ministry of Shipping and Fisheries on July 8, 1931. Pursuant to this Notification of which this Legation had the honor to forward to you a copy by a note of August 13, 1931, Danish ships in international trade have already been per- mitted to obtain freeboard and load line certificates in accordance with the above quoted International Load Line Convention, which has been ratified by Denmark on July 30, 1931. The Danish Gov- ernment assumes that also such certificates issued in accordance with the said Convention will be recognized in the United States pending the coming into force in both countries of the Convention. I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to con- firm the full recognition of the Government of the United States for the period mentioned above of the Danish load line laws and regulations and the Danish freeboard certificates of the marking of merchant vessels, including the certificates issued pursuant to the foregoing Provisional Notification of July 8, 1931, and of load line marks made on Danish vessels pursuant thereto. It is understood that upon the receipt of a note to that effect the proposed agreement will become effective as from the date of such note. I have the honor to be, Sir, with the highest consideration Your most obedient and humble servant, THE HONORABLE HENRY L. STIMSON, Secretary of State, OTTO ,\VADSTED Department of State, n'ashington, D. C. Th.e Secretary of State (Stimson) to the Danish Jfini.~ff.r (lJ'ad.sted) SIR: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, January 16, 1932. 2691 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this .\tmIIDllmthyl:nltet! date in which reference is made to your-predecessor's note of Novem- /oltlltet\. ber 4, 1930, proposing an arrangement between the Governmer.tts of the United States and Denmark for the reciprocal recognition of load line certificates for merchant vessels which arrangement would remain effective pending the coming into force in the two countries of the InternatIonal Load Line Convention of July 5, 1930. You made the proposal that if the Government of the UnitE'd States agreed to the tenns as outlined in your note of this date that note and the reply which might be made thereto would serv~ as the agreement between our two countries. Inasmuch as the Da!lish rules and tables for detennining free- boards have been exammed by the competent executive authorities of this Government and have been found to be as effective as the United States load line regulations; and inasmuch as the Government of the United States agrees to recognize the {,,crtificates issued by the Government of Denmark pursuant to the Provisional Notifica- tion of July 8, 1931, which gives ship owners the privilege of having