Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1110

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2700 SALEM CLAIM ARBITRATION-EGYPT. lanuary_~. 1~1_._ Agreement between the United States of America and Egypt for arbitra- tion of the cla·im of George J. Salem. Signed January 20, 1931. Claim agreement with Egypt. Preamble. PIen1potentlari~. Whereas the Government of the United States of America has presented to the Royal Govern- ment of Egypt a claim on behalf of George J. Salem for damages resulting from acts of the Egyp- tian authorities; Whereas the Royal Govern- ment of Egypt has denied its liability in the premises; and Whereas the two Governments are equally committed to the policy of submitting to adjudica- tion by a competent tribunal all justiciable controversies that arise between them which do not lend themselves to settlement by diplo- matic negociations, Therefore the undersign.ed Wil- liam M. Jardine, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary of the United States and His Excellency Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Royal Government of Egypt duly empowered there- fore by their respective Govern- ments, have agreed upon the stipulations contained in the fol- lowing articles: ARTICLE 1. sa?::~!r3T:rrJ: ~he claim of the United States tral Tribunal. ~amst the Royal Government of Egypt arising out of treatment accorded George J. Salem an American citizen by Egyptian authorities shall be referred to an Arbitral Tribunal in conformity with the conditions herein-after stated, the decision of the said . Acceptance of declo Tribunal to be accepted by both slon. Governments as a final, conclusive and unappealable disposition of the claim. Attendu que Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique a pre- sente au Gouvernement Royal d'Egypte une reclamation au nom de Georges J. Salem pour dom- mage resultant d'actes des au- torites egyptiennes; Attendu que Ie Gouvernement Royal d'Egypte a decline so. res- ponsabilite a cet egard; et Attendu que les deux Gouverne- ments ont l'un et I'autre adhere au principe de soumettre a 10. decision d'un tribunal competent tous les litiges d'ordre juridique qui pourraient s'elever entre eux et qui ne se preteraient pas :\. lin reglement par 10. voie de nego- tiation diplomatique. En consequence les soussignes, Son Excellence M. William M. tTardine, Envoye Extraordinaire et 1\finistre Plenipotentiaire des Etats-Unis, et Son Excellence Abdel Fattah Yehia Pacha, l\1i- nistre des Affaires Etrangeres du Royaume d'Egypte munis de pouvoirs reguliers a cet effet par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, sont convenus des stipulations contenues dans les articles sui- vants: ARTICLE 1er. La reclamation des Etats-Unis contre 10 Gouvernement Royal d'Egypte en raison du traite- ment fait A Georges J. Salem citoyen americain par les autorites egyptiennes, sera deferee a un tribunal arbitral conformement aux conditions exprimees ci-apres, 10. decision du dit tribunal devant etre acceptee par I'un et l'autre gouvernement comme un regle- ment final, conclusif et sans appel de cette reclamation.