Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1125

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cmNESE COURTS-INTERNAT'IONAL SETI'LEMENT. ent Agreement shall, at the discretion of the said Courts serve their sentences either in such prisons in the Settlement or in Chinese prisons outside the Settlement, except that offendel'B apinst the Police Offences Code and the Land Re~ations and Bye-Laws and pel'Bons under arrest awaiting trial snall serve their periods of detention in the Settlement. The prisons in the Settlement shall be operated, as far as practicable, in confonnity with Chinese prison regulations and shall be subject to inspection, from time to time, by oflicel'B appointed by the Chinese judicial authorities. Persons sentenced to death by the Courts established under the present Agreement shall be sent to the Chinese authorities outside of the Settlement for execution of such sentence. ARTICLE VIII 2715 Foreign lawyers duly qualified will be admitted to practice in the Foreign lawyers. Courts established under the present Agreement in all cases in which a foreigner is a party, provided such foreign lawyer can only represent the foreign party concerned. The Municipal Coun- cil may also be represented in the same manner by duly qualified la~ers, Chinese or foreign, in any proceedings in which the Coun- cills complainant or plamtiff or the Municipal Police is the prose- cutor. In other cases or proceedings in which the Council considers the interests of the Settlement to be involved, it may be represented by a duly qualified lawyer, Chinese or foreign, who may submit to the Court his views in writing during the proceedings and who may, if he deems necessary, file a petition in intervention in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. Foreign lawyers who are entitled to practice under this Article in the above-mentioned Courts shall apply to the Ministry of Justice for lawyers' certificates and shall De subject to Chinese laws and regulations applicable to lawyers, including those governing their disciplinary punishment. ARTICLE IX ~our permanent representatives shall be appointed, two by the re!:,,~:::n~ !!: Chinese Government and two by the Governments of the other ~1nIoD, to be appolnt- Powers signatory to th~__ present kueement, who together shall . seek to reconcile such differences of opinion regarding the inter- pretation or application of the present Agreement as may be referred to them by the President of the Branch High Court or by the authorities of the signatog foreign Powers, provided that their Report ~hall ha~e no. binding force upon eit~er party excep~ by an~i8cretlonaryaooept- mutual consent, It bemg understood that no Judgments, declSlons, . rulings or orders of the Courts, as such, shall be referred to the aforesaid representatives for consideration. ARTICLE X The present Agreement and the attached Notes shall enter into Effective date and effect on April 1st, 1930 and shall continue in force for a period of duration.