Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1131

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AIR NAVIGATION-GERMANY. 2721 Arranpemenf belwten the Unued Bleau of Amtrica and Germany for air May 27. 30. 31. 1~2. natngation. Elected by exckange of notes, signed May t7, 30, and 31, 193$, effectwe June 1, 193$. The American Ambassador (Sackett) to the German Minister of Foreign Affairs (Bruning) No. 797 EXCELLENCY: EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Berlin, May $7,193$. I have the honor to comhmuni~atdeSto YoufrAmExce!lenCYdthGe text of G~:::~r::~i!f: the arrangement between t e UnIte tates 0 enca an ermany, uavigaUen. on the subject of air navigation, as understood by me to have been agreed to in the negotiations which have just been concluded between the Embassy and your Ministry, as follows: AIR NAVIGATION ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ARTICLE 1 Pending the conclusion of a convention between Germany and the Tentati\"eprovisions. United States of America on the subject of air navigation, the opera- tion of eivil aircraft of the one country in the other country shall be governed by the following provisions. ARTICLE 2 The p!e~ent arrangement s~all apply. to Germany a!ld to. Conti- nental UnIted States of Amenca, exclUSlve of Alaska, mcluding the adjacent territorial waters of the two countries. ARTICLE 3 Area alfected. The term aircraft with reference to one or the other Party to this AlnnR OODStrued. arrangement shall be understood 'to mean civil aircraft, including state aircraft used exclusively for commercial purposes, duly registered in the territory of such Party. ARTICLE 4 Each of the Parties undertakes to grant liberty of passage above its l'nIedom of passap. territory in time of peace to the aircraft of the other Party, provided. that the conditions set forth in the present arrangement are observed. It is, however, agreed that the establishment and operation of a:.~~':nU;bY regular air routes by an air transport company of one of the Parties C_t required: within the territory of the other Party or across the territory', with or without intermediary landing, shall be subject to the prior consent of the other Party given on the principle of reciprocity and at the request of the Party whose nationality the air transport com- pany possesses. ARTICLE 5 The aircraft of each of the Parties to this arrangement, their crews Intenlalll!lialationto and passengers, shall, while within the territory of the other Party, IO v ern.