Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/193

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INDrSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. 1799 d~tenninera a quel moment, au plus tard, cette dklaration devra ~tre efi'ec.tuee. Ces indications seront men- tionnees dans les publications emanant de I'Administration com- p~tente, nota.mment sur les bre- vets et les descriptions y rela- tives. Les pays contractants pour- ront eXlger de celui qui fait une dklaration de priori~ la produc- tion d'une copie de la demande (description, dessins, etc.) d~ pos~ an~rieurement. La. copie, certifiee conforme par l'Adminis- tration qui aura rec;u cette de- mande, sera dispens~e de toute Iega.lisation, et elle pourra en tous cas ~tre d~p<;see a n'importe quel moment dans Ie d~lai de trois mois a dater du dep6t de la demande ul~eure. On pourra exiger qu'elle soit accompagn~ d'un certificat de la date du d~.p6t emanant de cette AdnUnistratlOn et d'une traduction. D'autres forma.lites ne pour- ront ~tre re<J.uises pour la decla- ration de pnorite au moment du dep6t de la demande. Chaqus pays contractant determinera les consequences de l'omission des formalites prevues par Ie present article, sans que ces consequences puissent exceder la perte au d.'""Oit de priorite. lJl~rieurement d'autres justifi- cations pourront etre demandees. e) Lorsqu'un dessin ou modele industriel aura e~ depose dans un pa.ys en vertu d'un droit de priorite base sur Ie dep6t d'un modele d'utilite, Ie delai de pri- orite ne sera que celui fixe pour les dessins et modeles industnels. En outre, il est permis de d~poser daDS un pays un modele d'utili~ en vertu d'un droit de priori~ base sur Ie d~p6t d'une demande de brevet et inverse- ment. and the country in which it was made. Each country will deter- mine for itself the latest date at which such declaration must be made. The particulars referred to shall Statement to be pub b d· h bli· . llshed estate m t e pu catIOns 18- . sued by the competent authority, and in particular in the patents issued and the specifications re- lating thereto. The contracting countries may Production of oertl require any person making a dec- !~o':~YOfpriorappU laration of priority to produce a copy of the application (with the s.pecL4ication, drawings, etc.) p-re- Vlously made. The copy, certified as correct by the authority receiv- ing this demand, shall not require any legal authentication, and in any circumstances can be filed at any time within the period of three months from the lodging of the last application. They may also require that the declaration shall be accompanied by a certifi- cate by the proper authority show- ing the date of application, and alSo by a translation. No other formalities may be re- Further tormalWI quirP.d for the declaration of }lri- 11DDeCleIII!arJ. ority at the time of application. Each of the contracting countries shall decide for itself what conse- quences shall follow the omission of the formalities prescribed by the present article, but such con- se<J.uence shall in no case be more senous than the loss of the right of priority. At later stages, further proof in support of the application may be required. (e) Where an application is ReclstratioDoIauill filed . I th . ity model. lD a country lor e registra- tion of an industrial design or model by virtue of a right of pri- ority based on the registration of a utility model, the period of pri- ority shall not exceed that fixed for mdustrial designs and models. Furthermore, it is allowable to deposit in a country a utility model by virtue of rights of prior- ity based on a patent application, and vice versa.