Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/195

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INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV . 6, 11}25. 1801 Ces mesures ne pourront pre- voir Ia decheance du brevet que si la concession de lil)enses obliga- toires ne suffisait pas pour pre- venir ces abus. En tout cas, Ie brevet ne pourra pas faire I'ohjet de telles mesures ayant l'expiration d'au moins 3 annees a compter de Ia date OU il a eM accorde et si Ie brevete justifie d'excuses legitimes. La protection des dessins et modeles industriels ne peut etre atteinte par une dech~ance q uel- conque pour introduction d'objets conformesaceuxquisont proteges. Aucun signe ou mention d'en- registrement ne sera exige sur Ie produit, pour Ia reconnaissance du droit. 8i, dans un pays, l'utilisation de la marque enregistree est obli- gatoire, l'enregistrement ne pour- ra etre annuM qu'apres un delai equitable et SI I'int.eresse ne justifie pas des causes de son in- uetion. ARTICLE 5b18 • Un delai de grace, qui dewa etre au minimum de trois mois, sera accord6 pour Ie payement des taxes prevues pour Ie m&in- tien des droits de propriete in- dustrielle, moyennant Ie verse- ment d'une surtaxe, si la legisla- tion nationale en impose une. Pour les brevets d'invention, les pays contractants s'engagent en outre, soit a porter Ie delai de grace a six mois au moins, soit a prevoir la restauration du brevet tomb6 en decheance par suite de non payement de taxes, ces mesures restant soumises aux conditions prevues par la legisla- tion interieure. ARTICLE 5ter • Ds.ns chacun des pays contrac- tants nc S9ront, pas consideres comme portant atteinte aux droits du brevete 10 l'emploi, a bord des navires des autres pays de l'Union, des moyens faisant l'objet de son brevet dans Ie corps These measures will only pro- Revocatlonotpatent. vide for the revocation of the patent if the granting of compul- sory licenses shall not suffice to prevent such abuse~. In all cases the patent will not Three years' grace al- bb· br lowed. e su Ject to such measures elore the expiration of at least three years from the date of its grant and if the patentee produces just excuses. The nrotection of designs and Protection of designs . dFId . and models. III ustna mo els cannot be liable to cancellation by reason of the introduction of objects corre- sponding to those protected. Articles shall not be required Registration mark to bear any indication of registra- unnecessary. tion for recognition of this right. If in a country the use of a OanceU"Uon. registered trade-mark is compul- sory, the re~tration cannot be canceled until after a reasonable period, and only then if those mterested cannot justify the causes of their inaction. ARTICLES 5 BIS. A period of grace of at least Concession (or pay· three months will be granted for lng taxes, etc. the payment of taxes prescribed for the maintenance of mdustrial- property rights, together with a surcharge if the internal legisla- tion of a country so provides. For patents of invention the Patentsotlnvention. contracting countries undertake moreover either to prolong that extended period to SIX months at least, or to provide for the restora- tion of a patent which has lapsed owing to the nonpayment of fees, it being understood that these pl.'ovisions are subject to the con- ditions prescribed by internal legislation. ARTICLE 5 TER. In each of the contracting coun- A~ts not considered tries the followinp' shall not be infringements. .=> considered as infringing the rights of the patentee: (1) The u~e on board s¥ps of paT:n~~rart!IyU: a~! other countnes of the Uruon of other signatory's ship. anything the subject matter of Restriction. his patent in the body of the ship,