Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/216

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1822 Rcbedulen. CO~VENTION-AM~RICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN . 9, 1930. SCHEDULE II. TBBATY OF .ALLIANCE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRAQ OF THE 10TH DAY OF 0CTOBER. 11122; PROTOCOL OF THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL. 1923; AND SUB- SIDIARY AGREEMENTS (BRITISH OFFICIALS, MILITARY, JUDICIAL AND FINAN- CIAL) OF THE 26'iH DAY OF MARCH. 1924. No.1 . Treaty bettOeen HiB Brita1llllic Majesty and HiB Majesty the King of Iraq. His Britannic Majesty of the one part, and His Majesty the King of Iraq of the other part; WHEREAS His Britannic Majesty has recognised Feisal Ibn Hussein as constitutional King of Iraq;_and W HEBEA8 His Majesty the King of Iraq considers that it is to the interests of Iraq and will conduce to its rapid advancement that he should conclude a treaty with His Britannic Majesty on the basis of alliance; and WHEREAS His Britannic Majesty is satisfied that the relations between himself and His Majesty the King of Iraq can now be better defined by such a treaty of alliance than by any other means: For this purpose the High Contracting Parties have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:- His Majesty the BIng of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland apd of the British DOIninions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: Sir Percy Zachariah Cox, G.C .M .G., G.C.I.E., K.C .S.I., High COIDIDlssioner and Consul-General of His Britannic Majesty in Iraq; - His Majesty the King of Iraq: His Highness Sir Saiyid 'Abd-ur-Rahman, G.B.E., Prime Min- ister and Naqib-al-Ashraf, Bagdad; Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good and due order, have agreed as follows:- ARTICLE 1. At the request of His Majesty the King of Iraq, His Britannic Majesty undertakes, SUbjEct to the provisions of this treaty, to pro- vide the State of Iraq with such advice and assistance as may be required during the period of the J>resent treaty, without prejudice to her national sovereignty. HIS Britannic Majesty shall be represented in Iraq by a HIgh Commissioner and Consul-General assisted by the necessary staff. .