Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/281

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TREATY, FRIEXDSHIP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1887 coming from or going through the territories of the other High Con- tracting Party, except fluch per- Bons as may be forbIdden adinis- sion into its territories or goods of which the importation may be prohibited by law. Persons and ~ds in transit shall not be eub- lected to any transit duty, .)r to Bny unneceB8ary delays or re- strictions, and shall be given na- tional treatment as regards ~harges, facilitit3s, and all other matters. Goods in transit must be en- tered at the proper customhouse, but they shall be exempt from all customs or other similar duties. All charges imposed on trans- port in transit shall be reasonable, naving regard to the conditions of ~he tr8.ffic. ARTICLE XIII. EachoftheHigh Contracting Parties agrees to re- ~ive from the other, consular [)flicers in those of its pOI _~, places md cities, where it may be con- venient and which are open to consular representatives of any roreign country. Consular officers of each of the High Contracting Parties shall, il.fter entering upon their duties,

mjoy reciprocally in the territories
>f the other all the ri~hts, privi-

leges, exemptions and Immunities which are enjoyed by officers of t·he same grade of the most fa- vored nation. As official agents, imch officers shall be entitled to the high consideration of all offi- cials, national or local, with whom they have official inter- course in the state which receives them. The Government of each of the High Contracting Parties shall rurnish free of charge the neces- sary exequatur of such consular officers of the other as present a re~ar commission signed by the chief executive of the appointing state and under its great seal; and it shall issue to a subordinate or substitute consular officer duly jenigen ~afferfttQfien uub Rani11e, bie internationaIe ~renaen ber SBereinigten @Staaten bUben. SBon biefer SBered).. tigung au~gefd)Ioffen flub \lerfonen, benen ba8 SBetteten ber ~ebide bet Qllbeten ~o~en bertragfd)liefJenbtn ~eilet Tranalt provlslona. berboten ift, uub 5ffiaren, beren (jfin~r gefe,nd) betboten ift. 3m ~rd).. gang8berfe~ braud)en ~fonen uub 5lBa!~n feinerIet i)urd)~8abgafle au be~a~Ien uub foRen feinen unn1Stigen SBera6gerungen uub iOefd)riinfungen Utl>< tertnorfen merben. ~ie foRen ~infid)t- lid) ber !bgaben uub SBerfe~r!mittel uub in oRen anberen SBeaiegungen mie ~ngeg6ri"e bet eigenen ~anbe8 bef}anbelt merben. ~urd)gang8gi1ter miffen auf bern Customs entries. auftiiubigen .8oRamt eingettagen mer. ben, fiub abet bon allen .d61len uub auberen iignIid)en YIbgaben befrrit. wne .ioften filr bie ~urd)gang8btf6r.. tI Tra:!t tl'lLJlSllOrta- berung foRA unter 58eri1dj'id)tigung on C rge8. ber S8erregr~lage in angemeffenen ~en.. aen gel)aIten merben. ~rtifeI XIII. ~ie beiben go~en bet.. CoDSUlar officers. tragfd)liefienben ~riIe lommen ba~in ~tIon of. i1berein, gegenfritig ~onfuIarbeamte in benienigen igrer· .t)iifen, ~(ii* uub ~tiibte auauIaffen, bie fid) baau eignen uub bie fonfuIarlfd;en SBertretem an. beret frember IDliidjte offenftegen. ~ie ~onfuIarbtamten I'ebet ber beiben EDJoyment of rights, • etc., accorded most ~o~en bertragfd)Itefienben ~eiIe foRen favored nation. nad) i~tem ~ienftantritt med)feIfritig in ben @ebieten bet anberen ~ei{et aRe medjte, SBotrpd)te, SBqreiungen uub ~tei~eiten geniefien, bie bie 58eamten be~feIben manget ber meiftbegftnftigten 9lation geniefien. ~I8 amtIid)e SBer.. treter gaben bjefe 58eamten ein ~nred)t auf ad)tung~bone SBegaubIung feiten8 aRer ~taat~.. uub nrt8be~iSrben, mit benen fie in bem @Staat, in bem fie auge.. Ia£fen fiub, amtIid;en 58erfe~r r,aben. ~ie megierung iebet ber ~ogen ber.. Exequaturs to Issue. tragfd)IiefJeuben ~eiIe foR ben ~on.. fuIarbeamten bet anberen ~e~, menn fie eine bon bem @Staat~oberr,atq)t bet ernenneuben ®taate8 unterarid)nete unb mit bem gtofien @StaatffiegeI berf~ 58eftaRung~urfunbe botlegen, g~ renftei ba8 erforberIid)e ~{equatur er.. mIen; einem nad)georbneten ober ften.. nertretenben ~on.fuIarbeamten, bet bon