Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/291

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TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, J928. 1897 ruary 11, 1929, gave its advice and consent to the ratification 01 the c!r.~ef of DOteI- said Treaty in a resolution, as follows: . 'Resolved (two-tkirds of the Senators presem concurring thffrin), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Execu- tive B, Seventieth Congress, second session, a treaty of friend- ship, commerce, and consular rights with Austria, signed at Vienna on June 19, 1928, subject to the following reservation and understanding to be set forth in an exchange of notes be- tween the high contracting parties se as to make it plain that this condition is understooa and accepted by each of them: That the sixth paragraph of Article VII shall remain in force for twelve monthS from the date of exchange of ratifications, an4, if not then terminated on ninety days' previous notice, shall remain in force until either of the high contracting parties shall enact legislation inconsistent therewith, when the same shall automatically lapse at the end of sixty days from such enact- ment, and ~n such lapse each high contracting party shall enjoy all the rights which it would have possessed had such paragraph not been embraced in this treaty.' "It will be observed that by this resolution the advice and con- sent of the Senate to the ratification of the Treaty are given subject to a certain reservation and understanding. "I shall be glad if when bring!ng the foregoing resolution to the attention of your Government, Your Excellency Will state that my Government hopes that the Austrian Government will find accept- able the reservation and understanding which the Senate has made a condition of its advice and consent to the ratification of the Treaty. You may regard this note as sufficient acceptance by the Govern- ment of the United States of this reservation ~I} understanding. An admowledgment of this note on tha occasion 0';' the exchange of ratifications, accepting by direction and on behalf of your Government the said reservatlOn and understanding, will be considered as com- pleting the required exchange of notes and th6 acceptance by both governments of the reservation and understanding. "Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consid- eration. HIS EXCELLENCY DR. JOHANN SCHOBER, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vienna." "HERR GESANDTER: G. B. STOCKTON "1m N amen und Auftrag der Osterreichischen BUlldesregierung beehre ich mich, Euer Exzellenz den Empfang Ihres Schreibens vom 20. Janner 1931 betreffend den zwischen Oesterreich und den Vereinigten Staaten am 19. Juni 1928 unterzeichneten Freund- schafts-, Handels- und Konsularvertrag zu bestitigen und Folgendes mitzuteilen: