Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/606

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2210 PHILIPPINES-NORTH BORNEO, BOUNDARY. JANUARY 2, 1930. Excbange of notes- "Fifthly: That the understanding shall continue until the said Continued. G b dlimi'hbdb two overnments may y treaty e t t e oun ary etween their respective domains in that quarter or until the expiry of one year from the date when notice of termination be given by either to the other. "Sixthly: That in case of denunciation, the United States Govern- ment shall not be responsible for the value of any buildings or other permanent improvements which may have been erected or made by the company upon the islands; but permission is hereby given to the company to remove, at its own expense, any buildings or improve- ments erected by it, provided the interest of the United States be not injured thereby." The understanding of His Majesty's Govetnment as above recited agreeing with that of the United States, I have the honor formally to announce the adherence of the United States to the arrangement and the acceptance of your note as sufficient ratification of the arrange- ment on the part of His Majesty's Government. I have the honor to be, with the highest considera.tion, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, ROBERT BACON, Acting Secretary. HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE JAMES BRYCE, O.M ., Ambas8ador of Great Britain. EXCHANGE OF NOTES PROVIDING FOR EXTRADITION BETWEEN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS OR GUAM AND THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO, MENTIONED IN THE EXCHANGE OF NCJ'ES OF JANUARY 2, 1930 The British Amba88ador (Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State (Bryan) No. 231. SIR, BRITISH EMBASSY Dublin, N.H. Sept. 1. 1918. Under instructions from my government I have the honour to re- quest you to be so good as to inform me whether the United States Government would be willing to enter into an arrangement with the Government of His Britannic Majesty by virtue of which fugitive offenders from the Philippine Islands or Guam to the State of North Borneo, or from the State of North Borneo to the Philippine Islands or Guam shall be reciprocally surrendered for offences specified in the existing Treaties of Extradition between the United States and his Britannic Majesty, so far as such offences are punishable both by the laws of the Philippine Islands or Guam and by the laws of the State of North Borneo.