Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/616

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2220 ARBITRATION TREATY-CHINA. JUNE 27, 1930. Special agreement. as shall be decided in each ease bl" special agreement, which speci81 agreement shall provide, if neces- sary, for the organization of such tribunal, shall define its powers, shall state the question or ques- tions at issue, and shall settle the tenns of reference.. The special agreement in each case shall be maae on the part of the United States of America by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and on the part of China in ac- cordance with its constitutional law. ARTICLE II Subjects not in- The provisions of this treaty eluded. hall b' ked . f s not e Invo In respect 0 anl" dispute the subject matter of which a) is within the domestic juris- diction of either of the High Con- tracting Parties; b) involves the interests of third Parties; ce qui ser&>_dkid~ dans chaque cas par . ft,OOord spooial' cat ~rd SpOOial pourvOira a. i'orgaDlSation audit tribunal s'iI est nkessaire, d~finira ses pouvoirs, exposera la question ou les questions en litige et determinera la question a. resoudre. L'accord spooial dans chaque cas sera conclu en ce qui concerne les Etats-Unis d'Amerique par Ie President des Etats-UDlS d'Am~ rique sur et avec l'avia et Ie con- sentement du ~nat des Etats- Unis et en ce qui concerne la Chine en conformiM de sa loi constitutionnelle. ARTICLE II Les dispositions du present traiM ne pourront pas ~tre in- dt1tu~ en ce qui concerne les . erends dont I'objet: a) rel~ve de la juridictioD na- tionale de l'une ou de l'autre des Hautes Parties Contractantes; b) touche aux in~ts de tierces puissances ;