Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/808

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2412 Request for informa- tion. Irregularit Y plaints. com- Recall and change of address. Allowed. on request. Customs charges. Pt\.RCEI POST AGREEMENT-DENMARK December9,1032. • .J • December 28, 1932. 2. A fee may be charged, at the option of the country of origin, on a request for information as to the disposal of an ordinary parcel and also of an insured parcel made after it has been posted if the sender has not already p8J.d the special fee to obtain an advice of delivery. 3. A fee may also be charged, at the option of the country of origin, in connection with any complaint of any irregularity which prima jacie was not due to the fault of the Postal Service. ARTICLE X. Recall and Change oj Address. So long as a Earcel has not been delivered to the addressee, the sender may recall it or cause its address to be changed. The Postal Administration of the country of origin may collect and retain, for this service, the charge fixed by its regulations. The requests for recall or change of address of parcels to be delivered in the United States of America shall be addressed to the Central Administration at Washington; those relating to parcels for delivery in Denmark shall be addressed to the office of destination of the parcel. ARTICLE XI. Customs Charges. of~~i:a1i~ country The. parcels are subject to all customs laws and regulations in force in the country of destmation. The duties collectible on that account are collected from the addressee on delivery of the parcel in accordance with the customs regulations. ARTICLE XII. Customs Charges to be Cancelled. Cancelled. if returned Th h I bk or redirected. e customs c arges on parce s sent ac to the country of origin Customs clearance. Fee. Delivery. To addressee. Charges. or redirected to another country shall be cancelled both in Denmark and the United States of America. ARTICLE XIII. Fee jor Customs Clearance. The office of delivery may collect from the addressee either in respect of delivery to the customs and clearance through the customs or in respect of delivery to the customs only, a. fee not exceeding 10 cents (50 centimes) per parcel. ARTICLE XIV. Delivery to the Addressee. Fetjor Delivery at the Place oj Address. Parcels are delivered to the addressees as quickly as possible in accordance with the conditions in force in the country of destina- tion. This country may collect, in respect of delivery of parcels to the addressee a fee not exceeding 10 cents (50 centimes) per parcel. The same fee may be charged, if the case arises, for each presentation after the first at the addressee's residence or place of busmess.