Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/837

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1~31. Anne County, State of Virginia) and other coastal wat.ers; and nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the use of an airplane or a power boat, sailboat, or other floating device for the purpose of concentrat· ing, driving, rallying, or stirring up migratory waterfowl: PrwUUd, however, That the hunting, killing, or taking of mourning doves is not penllitted ODor over, at or near, any area which has been baited with salt, com, wheat, or other grain, or other foods placed or scattered thereon. Resnllation 4, "Open Seasons on and Possession of Certain Migra- tory Game Birds," IS amended so as to read as follows: 2441 Promo. MourlliDl cloveI. REGULATION 4. - QPEN SEAS()NS ON AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN Open seaaona. MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS For the purpose of this regulation, each period of time herein pre- ;,:e OODS~~·248t. scribed as an open season shall be construed to include the first and 2&21. • pp. , last days thereof. Waterfowl, etc. Waterfowl (except snow geese in Floridu. and all States north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross geese, cackling geese wood duck, eider ducks, and swans), railsl coot, gallinules, woodcock, WIlson Elnipe or jacksnipe, and mourning aoves may b~ taken each dRY from half an hour before sunrise to sunset during the open seasons pre- scribed therefor in this regulation, except that the hour for the com- mencement of hunting on the opening (lay of the season shall be 12 o'clock noon, by the means and in the numbers permitted by regula- tions 3 and 5 hereof, respectively, and when so taken may be possessed eny day in any State, Territory, or District during the periOd consti- tuting the open season where killed and for an additional period of 10 days next succeeding said open season, but no such bird shall be pos- seSsed ill a State, Territory, or District at a time when such State, Territory, or District prohibits the possession thereof. Nothing fo~~J~ on retu&a! herein shall be deemed to permit the hunt~ or ki1lin2 of migratory . birds on any refuge established under the MIgratory lJird Conserva- tion Act of February 18, 1929, nor on any area of the United States ~OI845bP.l=pp V set aside by any other law, proclamation, or Executive order for use p. 2M. .., . I as a wild-life refuge except in so far as may be permitted by the Secretary of Agriculture under existing law, nor on any area adjacent to any such refuge when such area is designated as a. closed area. under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Waterfowl (except snow Deese in Florida and all States north t'Mreol tio~eograpbicallimlta- bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross geese, cackling geese, wood ducf, . eider ducks, and swans), coot, and Wilson snipe or i~ksnipe.-The open seasons for waterfowl (except snow geese in Florida. and all States north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross geese, cackling geese, wood duck, eider ducks, and swans), coot, and Wilson snipe or jacksnipe shall be as follows: In Maine, New Hampshire, Vennont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York (except Long Island), Pennsylvania, West VIrginia, Ohioz Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Iowa., MissourI, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Da- kota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Cali- fernia, Oregon, and Washington the open season shall be from October 1 to December 31; In that portion of New York known as Long Island, and in New Jersey, Delaware, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and in that portion of Texas lying west and north of a line beginning on the Rio Grande River directly west of the town of Del Rio, Tex.; thence east to the town (if Del Rio; thence easterly following the center o!t the main track of the Soutr_em Pacific Railroad through the towns of