Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/922

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2520 PROCLAMATIONS, 1932. AMENDING REGULATIONS ON MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS Iuly 20, 1932. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCL....<\.MATION l'rotection or migra- WHEREAS the Secretary of Agriculture, by virtue of the authority tory birds. Preamble. vested in him by section 3 of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. ~~lS~~·.~P~~436-437. 755; U.S . Code, title 16, sees. 703-711), has submitted to me for ~~l·~g·~·m~· approval regulations further amendatory of the regulations approved . ... and proclaimed July 31, 1918, which the Secretary of Agriculture has determined to be suitable amendatory regulations permitting and governing the hunting, takin~, capture, killing, possession, sale, pur- chase, shipment, transportatIOn, carriage, and export of migratory birds and parts thereof and their nests and eggs, as follows: Means birds. Regulation 3, "Means by Which Migratory Game Birds May Be Taken," is amended ~o as to read as follows: of taking REGULATION 3. -M E ANS BY WHICH MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS MAY BE TAKEN ll~egulations modi. The ~atory game birds specified in regulation 4 hereof may be V~1.4S.pp.2901,2!K2; taken dunng the open season with a gun only, not larger than. No. 10 v~. 46, p. ::. gauge, fired from the shoulder, except as specifically permitted by me, p.. regulations 7, 8, 9, and 10 hereof; they may be taken during the open season from the land and water, with the aid of & doe;, the use of decop', o.nd from & blind or Hoating device, except that m the taking Wild duch. . of wild ducks not more than twenty-five (25) live duck decoys may be TarmstroBot (talk) geese in Cali- shot over, and in the taking of wild geese in Californio. the use of live goose decoys is not permitted; but nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the use of an o.utomobile, airplane, power boat, sailboat, any boat under sail, any Hoating deVIce towed by power boat or sailboat, or any sinkbox (battery), except that sinkboxes (batteries) may be used m the takinl:t of mIgI'atory waterfowl in coastal sounds o.nd bays (including Back Bay, Princess Anne County, State of Virginia) o.nd other coastal waters; o.nd nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the use of o.n airplane, or & power boat, sailboat, or other floating device for the purpose of concentrating, driving, rallying, or stirring up migratory waterfowl, and mourning doves shall not be taken o.t, on, or over, or withm 100 yards of, o.ny place, area, or environment what- Uaeof baIt, etc. ever, whereat or whereon has been placed, scattered, or distributed by the hunter himself, or with his knowledge, o.ny wheat, corn, or other grain, salt, or other food, designed, or intended, effective to bait, lure, attract, or entice such doves.