Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/985

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ADMISSION OF CIVIL AIRCRAFT, ETC. -CANADA. Exchange oj notes between the United States a,nd the Dominion oj Oanada concerning the admission oj civil aircraJt, the i.s ..~uance oj pilots' licenses, and the acceptance oj certificate.'l of air 'U)ortkineS8 Jor aircraft imported as merchandise. Signed August 29, 1929, and October 22, 1.92.9. The Secretary of State to the Charge d' Affairs ad 'interim of the Dominion of Canada DEPARTMENT OF STATE ", .ASHINGTON, August 29, 1929 SIR: 2575 . '-ugust 211, 18211. October 22, 1928. The Department refers to the negotiations which have been con- m!!.~~c.=t: ducted between this Department and your Legation for the conclu- admission of civil air- sion of a reciprocal arrangement between the United States and craft, etc. Canada for the admission of civil aircraft, the issuance of pilots' licenses, and the acceptance of certificates of airworthiness for air- craft imported as merchandise. It is my understanding that it. has been agreed in the course of Terms. these ne_gotiations that this arrangement shall be as follows: (1) All state aircraft other than military, no. val, customs and police aircraft, shall be treated as civil aircraft and as such shall be subject to the requirements hereinafter provided for civil aircraft. (2) Subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter con- tained a,nd set fo!th, Canadian c!vil. aircraft shal~ ~e permitted to operate In the Umted States and, In lIke manner, CIvIl furcraft of the United States shall be permitted to operate in the Dominion of Canada. (3) Canadian aircraft, before entering the United States, must be registered and passed as airworthy by the Canadinn Department of National Defense and must bear the registration markings allotted to it by that Department. Aircraft of the United States, before entering Canada, must be registered and passed as airworthy by the United States Department of Commerce, and must bear the regis- tration markings allotted to it by that Department, prec('ded by the letter H N ", plnced on it in accordance with the Air Commerce Regu- lations of the Department of Commerce. (4) Canadian aircraft making flights into the l:nited States must carry aircraft, engine and journey logbooks, and the certifi- cntes of registration and airworthiness, issued hy the Canadian Department of National Defense. The pilots shall bear licenses issued by said Department of National Defense. Like requirements shall be applicable in Canada with respect to aircraft of the United States and American pilots making flIghts into Canada. The cer- tificates and licenses in the latter case shall be those issued by the United States Department of Commerce; provided, however. that pilots who are nationals of the one country shall be licensed by the other country under the following conditions: . (a) The Department of National Defense of the Dominion of Canada will issue pilots' licenses to American nationals upon a show- ing that they are qualified under the regulations of that Department covering the licensing of pilots; and the United States Department of Commerce will issue pilots' licenses to Canadian nationals upon a