Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1235

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 720. JUNE 22, 1934 .

1209 courses and di stances : Nor th fifteen de grees forty-s even minutes east, five hundred sixteen and five tenths feet ; thence north twelve degrees fifty-five and one half minutes east, one hundred feet ; thence north five degrees two and one half minutes east, one hun- dred feet ; thence north seven degrees twelve minutes west, one hu nd r ed fe et ; thence north twenty-s ix degrees ni ne minutes we st, one hundred feet ; thence north forty-five degrees twenty-nine min- utes west, one hundred feet ; thence north sixty degrees twenty-six and one half minutes west, seventy-one and sixty-three one-hun- dredths feet ; thence north sixty-five degrees west six hundred thirty- nine and three one-hundredt hs feet to th e point of beg inning . Parce l 2 . Beginning at a point on the north li ne of the Unit ed Stat es m ilit ary rese rvat ion, Mon tere y, M onte rey Coun ty, Cali forn ia, distant north eighty-nine degrees thirty minutes east, one hundred sixtee n and thirty -four one-h undred ths fe et fr om the point of intersection of said north line of the United States military reserva- tion with the southwesterly line of Lighthouse Avenue, said point of beginning a lso being dis tant south ei ghty-nine degr ees thirty minutes west, six hundred s ixteen and fi fty-eight one- hundredths feet from a stone monument at the northeast corner of said United States military reservation ; and running th ence from sai d point of beginning north eighty-nine degrees thirty minutes east, along said n orth lin e of the Uni ted Stat es m ilit ary rese rvat ion, sev enty -sev en and nine tenths feet to a point ; thence south sixty-two degrees twenty-six minutes east two hundred thirty-eight and ninety-six one-hundredths feet to a po int on the no rthwesterly li ne of that certain part of said United States military reservation over which an easement was granted by the Secretary of War on July 14, 1926, pursuant to the Act approved June 7, 1926 (44 Stat . 699) ; thence south forty degrees twelve minutes west, along said north- westerly line of said grant to the city of Monterey, twenty-three and seventy-nine one-hundredths feet to a point on the northeasterly line of Lighthouse Road ; thence north sixty-five degrees west, along said northeasterly line of Lighthouse Road three hundred two and seve nty- five one -hun dred ths feet to the poin t of beg inni ng . Parcel 3 . Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeast- erly line of Foam Street with the northeasterly line of Lighthouse Road in the United States military reservation, Monterey, Monterey County, California, said point of beginning being the southernmost corner of that certain part of said United States military reservation granted to the city of Monterey, California, pursuant to H .R . 1020 March 10, 1926 ; thence south sixty-five degrees east, along said northeasterly line of Lighthouse Road, three hundred nineteen and eight tenths feet to a point ; thence north sixty-two degrees twenty- six minutes west, three hundred forty-six and six tenths feet to a point on said northeasterly line of Foam Street ; thence south thirty- four deg rees thi rty- six minu tes east , al ong said nor thea ster ly l ine of Foam Street thirty and s ixty-eight on e-hundredths f eet to the point of beginning : Provided, That the Secretary of War is author- Proviso . ized to make such changes in the foregoing description of the three Change authorized . parcels as he deems necessary . SEC . 2 . The easement authorized by this Act to be granted shall mnt5o iog a5 us ed continue during such period as it shall be used exclusively for street for street purposes . purposes, subject to such conditions, restrictions, and reservations as the Secretary of War may impose for the protection of the mili- tary reservati on and subjec t to a right- of-way over su ch parcels for the use of the United States during the continuance of such easement . Approve d, June 22, 1 934 .