Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1357

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xl Emergency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1935-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 _______________________ _ Interior, Department of- Indian Reservation roads _______ _ National Park Service, roads, trails, and bridges __________ _ National Industrial Recovery AcL __ Petroleum Administration, expenses_ Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 _______________________ _ Treasury Department- Emergency Banking Act of 1933, expenses __________________ _ Federal land banks, payments to, due to reduced interest rate on mortgages; subscriptions to paid-in surplus oL _________ _ Gold, losses in melting __________ _ Gold Reserve Act of 1934, ex- penses ____________________ _ Internal Revenue, Bureau of ____ _ Procuremen t Division-Public Works Branch, building con- struction __________________ _ Secretary, Office of; Office of Gen- eral CounseL ______________ _ Secret Service Division _________ _ Silver Purchase Act of 1934, ex- penses ____________________ _ Unemployment relief _____________ _ Agricultural Adjustment Act- Cotton, authority to borrow money on _________________________ _ Advances for settling debts, etc., for protecting title to; avail- ability of funds ____________ _ Discretionary use of alternative methods to finance acq:"lsi- tion, etc., oL ______________ _ Handling, marketing, etc., of, ad- vances to agencies for _______ _ Proceeds from sale of, in special deposit accounL ___________ _ Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion loans for financing _____ _ Alabama, road and bridge flood relief, appropriation available _________ _ Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees, Employees' Compensation Act made applicable to _____________ _ Special administrative fund _______ _ Emergency relief, special rates by car- riers to drought sufferers ________ _ Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion- Public works, limitation on employ- ing balances of , for relief of- __ _ INDEX. Page. I Emergency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year Page. 1935-Continued. 1055 1058 1058 1055 1057 1055 lOGO lOGO lOGl lOCO lOGl 10G1 1059 10tH 1060 1055 1058 1058 1058 1059 1059 1059 1058 1056 1057 1056 1055 Reconstruction Finance Corporation- Continued. Purchase of securities from Public Works Administration; maxi- mum investments_____________ 1056 Limitation on outstanding obliga- tions ______________________ ~_ 1056 Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933. See also Federal Farm Mortgage Cor- poration Act. Deficiency appropriation for- Federal land banks, payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages_ _______ _____ 279 Subscriptions to paid-in surplus of_________________________ 279 Federal Farm Loan Act, amendments- Farm loan bonds; issue of __________ 42 Aggregate amoullt; denominations interest; guaranty ___________ 42 Refinancing of outstanding bond issues authorized_ _____ ______ 42 Farm mortgages, purchase, rcduc- tion, and refinancing, by land banks ______________________ _ Price limitation; improvements to be insured; refinancing based on amount paid by bank ____ _ Extension of loans; Treasury sub- scription to paid-in surplus to cover _______________________ _ Sum authorized for; repaymenL __ Interest on loans and deferment of principaL ___________________ _ Rate of interest; payment of priu- cipal not required wh('n bor- rower not in default ________ _ Payments by Secretary of Treas- ury to cover losses by r('duced interest ___________________ _ Sums authorized _______________ _ Amount of loan to borrower increased to $50,000 ________________ _ Direct loans; authorized when farm- loan association not organized __ Security required; rules to be pre- scri bed ___________________ _ Interest rate; stock subscription by borrower; cancellation of stock upon repaymenL _____ _ Organization of farm-loan associa- tion by direct borrowers ____ _ Issue of capital stock and cancella- tion of stock held __________ _ Charges for direct loans _________ _ Loans to receivers; authority for ___ _ 42 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45