Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/252

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 93. JUNE 16, 1933 . coats and photographic developing room equipment, towels, towel service, window washing, street-car tokens, furniture and equipment and repairs thereto, and purchase of books of reference, law books, and periodicals, $9,000 . Recor der of De eds .

RECORDER OF DEEDS Personal services . Recop ying old land Fo r pers onal s ervice s, $80 ,000, of whi ch $6,0 00 sha ll be availa ble records.

only for recopying old land records of the District of Columbia . Contingent ex penses . F or mi scell aneo us an d con tinge nt e xpens es, i nclu ding telep hone service, printing, binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records ; typewriters, towels, towel service, furniture and equipment and repairs thereto ; books of reference, law 'books and periodicals, street-car tokens, postage, not exceeding $100 for rest room for sick and injured employees and the equipment of and medical supplies for said rest room, and all other nec essar y inc iden tal e xpens es, Rent .

$10,000 . Fo r rent of offices of the re corder of deeds, $10,000 . Contingent ex penses . CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Objects specified . For checks, books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, newspapers, stationery ; surveying instruments and implements ; drawing materials ; binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records ; ice ; repairs to pound and vehicles, not to exceed $500 ; traveling expenses not to exceed $1,000, including payment of dues and traveling expenses in attending conventions when authorized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ; expenses authorized by law in connection with the removal of dangerous or unsafe and Removing unsafe, insanitary buildings, including payment of a fee of $6 per diem etc ., buildings . to each member of board of survey, other than the inspector of buildings, while actually employed on surveys of dangerous or unsafe buildings ; and other general necessary expenses of District Printing, etc ., of list offices ;; $28,000 : Provided, That no part of this or any other appro- of supplies f orbidden . priation contained in this Act shall be expended for printing or binding a schedule or list of supplies and materials for the Print ing and bind- furnishing of which contracts have been or may be awarded . ing .

For printing and binding, including the printing of the report Autom obil es, main- on the power needs of the District of Columbia ., $55,000 . tenance, etc .

For maint enance , care , repa ir, an d oper ation o f pass enger- carryi ng automobiles owned by the District of Columbia, including personal Restr ictio n on use of services, $50,000 . District-owned vebf- All motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles owned by the cles .

District of Columbia shall be used exclusively for " official purposes " Under co ntr ol of directly pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall Commissioners . be u nder the d irect ion and c ontro l of the Commi ssio ners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof or direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by Transportation be- officials and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided twe en do mic ile and in this Act ; and " off icial pur poses " shall not include the trans- pla ce of employment . portation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of emp loymen t, exc ept as to th e Commi ssione rs of the Di strict of Columbia and in cases of officers and employees the character of whose duties makes such transpo rtation necessary and then only as to such latt er c ases when the same is ap prove d by the Commi s- Prorisc .

sioners : P rovid ed, That no passenger-carry striction .

in g aut omob ile, excep t P urcha se p rice re- busses, patrol wagons, and ambu lances, and except as otherwise specifically authorized in this Act, shall be acquired under any pro- Transfer forbidden . vision of this Act, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650 . No motor vehicles