73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 84. MARCH 24, 1934 . To co axese to a first wi ll lien on taxes make adequate provision for the necessar y funds for th e pay- ment of interest and principal, and such obligations shall be a first lien on the taxes collected in the Philippine Islands . (4) That the government o f the Philipp ine Islands, o n becoming independent of the United States, will assume all continuing obliga- tions assumed by the United States under the treaty of peace with Spain ceding said Philippine Islands to the United States . (5) That by way of further assurance the government of the Philippine Islands will embody the foregoing provisions (except paragraph (2)) in a treaty with the United States . Treat y ob ligat ions to be assumed . To be so embodied in a trea ty with United States . Submission of Con- stitution to the Presi- dent of the United States. Submission of Con- stitution to people . Election to be held . SEC. 4. After the President of the United States has certified that the constitution conforms with the provisions of this Act, it shall be submitted to the people of the Philippine Islands for their ratifica- tion or rejection at an election to be held within four months after the date of such certification, on a date to be fixed by the Philippine Legislature, at which election the qualified voters of the Philippine Islands shall have an oppor tunity to vot e directly for or against the proposed constitution and ordinances appended thereto . S uch election shall be held in such manner as may be prescribed by the Philippine Legislature, to which the return of the election shall be Canvas s of r eturns . made . The Philippine Legislature shall by law provide for the canvassing of the return and shall certify the result to the (governor General of the Philippine Islands, together with a statement of the votes cast, and a copy of said constit ution and ordi nances . Ifa majority of the votes cast shall be for the constitution, such vote shall be deemed an expression of the will of the people of the Philippine Islands in favor of Philippine independence, and the Governor General shall, within thirty days after receipt of the certification from the Philippine Legislature, issue a proclamation for the election of officers of the government of the Commonwealth Time for election . of the Philippine Islands provided for in the constitution . The elec- tion shall take place not earlier than three months nor later than six months after the proclamation by the Governor General ordering such election . When the election of the officers provided for under the constitution has been held and the results determined, the Gov- ernor General of the Philippine Islands shall certify the results of the election to the President of the United States, who shall there- Proclamation, for el ection of common- wealt h of fice rs, if in de- pe ndencef avored . SU BMI SSI ON OF CON STI TUT ION TO THE PRE SID ENT OF THE UNITED STA TES SEC . 3 . Upon the drafting and approval of the constitution by the constitutional convention in the Philippine Islands, the constitution shall be submitted within two years after the enactment of this Act to the President of the United States, who shall determine whether or not it conforms with the provisions of this Act . If the President finds that the proposed constitution conforms substantially with the provisions of this Act he shall so certify to the Governor General of the Philippine Islands, who shall so advise the constitutional conven- tion . If the President finds that the constitution does not conform with the provisions of this Act he shall so advise the Governor Gen- eral of the Philippine Islands, stating wherein in his judgment the constitution does not so conform and submitting provisions which will in his judgment make the constitution so conform . The Gover- nor General shall in turn submit such message to the constitutional convention for further action by them pursuant to the same pro- cedure herein before define d, unti l the Preside nt and the co nstitut ional convention are in agreement . SUBMISSION OF CONSTITUTION TO FILIPINO PEOPLE