Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/651

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 165 . APR IL 26, 1934 . requir ements of in crease d garr isons, and fo r temp orary hospit als in standing camps and cantonments ; for the alteration of permanent buildi ngs at posts for u se as hospit als, co nstruc tion a nd rep air of temporary hospital buildings at permanent posts, construction and repair of temporary general hospitals, rental or purchase of grounds, and rental and alteration of buildings for use for hospital purposes in the Distr ict of Colum bia an d else where, includ ing ne cessar y tem- porary quarters for hospital personnel, outbuildings, heating and laundry apparatus, plumbing, water and sewers, and electric work, cookin g appa ratus, and r oads a nd wal ks for the sa me, $4 29,521 . SIGNAL CORPS 86637'-34 -40 SIGNAT . SF:RVTCE OF THE ARMY 625 Temporary camp hospitals, etc. Signal Corps . Signal Service . Telegraph and telephone systems : Purchase, equipment, operation, ph elsyste a nd tele- and repair of military telegraph, telephone, radio, cable, and signal- et Purchase, operation, ing systems ; signal equipment and stores, heliographs, signal lan- terns, flags, and other necessary instruments ; wind vanes, barometers, anemo meter s, th ermo meter s, an d ot her m eteor ologi cal instr ument s ; photographic and cinematographic work performed for the Army by the Signal Corps ; motorcycles, motor-driven and other vehicles for techn ical and official purposes in connec tion with the cons truction, operation, and maintenance of communication or signaling systems, and supplies for their operation and maintenance ; professional and scientific books of reference, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, and maps for use of the Signal Corps and in the office of the Chief Signal Officer ; tele phone appa ratus , in cludi ng re ntal and payme nt for commercial, exchange, message, trunk-line, long-distance, and leased-line telephone service at or connecting any post, camp, canton- ment, dep ot, arsen al, headq uarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or sta tion o f the Army, except ing the local telep hone s ervice Loco exem ptio n . for the various bureaus of the War Department in the District of Columbia, and toll messages pertaining to the office of the Secretary of War ; electric time service ; the rental of commercial telegraph lines and equipment, and their operation at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, headquarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or station of the Army, including payment for official individual telegraph messages transmitted over commercial lines ; electrical installations and maintenance thereof at military tionsectrical installs . posts, cantonments, camps, and stations of the Army, fire control, and direction apparatus, and material for Field Artillery ; salaries of civilian employees, including those necessary as instructors at voca- tional schools ; supplies, general repairs, reserve supplies, and other expense s conn ected with t he col lectin g and t ransmi tting of inf orma- tion for the Army by telegraph or otherwise ; experimental investiga- tion, research, purchase, and development or improvements in appa- ratus, and maintenance of signaling and accessories thereto, including patent rights and o ther r ights theret o, incl uding machin es, in stru- ments, and other equipment for laboratory and repair purposes ; lease, alteratio n, and re pair of s uch build ings requ ired for storing o r guard- ing Signal Corps supplies, equipment, and personnel when not otherwise provided for, including the land therefor, the introduction of wa ter, elect ric light and powe r, se werag e, gr adin g, ro ads a nd walks , and othe r eq uipme nt re quir ed, $ 1,948 ,997, of which amou nt not to exceed $255,796 shall be available immediately and not to exceed $45,000 shall be available exclusively for experimental investigation of the micro-ray . Civilian employees . Experimental re- search, etc. Micro -ray inve stig a- tions .