Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/664

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 165. AP RIL 26, 1934 . Promotion of rifle

NATIONAL BOARD FOR PROMOTION OF RIFLE PRACTICE, ARMY practice. Civilian instruction. QUARTERMASTER SUPPLIES AND SERVICES FOR RIFLE RANGES FOR CIVILIAN INS TRUCTION Quartermaster pli es, etc., for ranges, etc . Instructors, etc. Par tic ip ati on match es . Rifle contests .

NATIONAL TROPHY AND MEDALS FOR RIFLE CONTESTS Furnishing national trophy medals, etc .

For incidental expenses of the National Board for the Promoti Vol-45, p. 786;U.S.C., of Rifle Practice in accordance with the provisions of the Act Supp . V11, p. 780.

approved May 28, 1928 (U .S .C ., Supp . VI, title 32, sec . 181 c), $3,00 0 . Ordnance u, civilian

ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT FOR RIFLE RANGES FOR CI VIL IAN INSTRUCTION et c rms, ammun ition, For a rms, ammuniti on, targets, a nd other acce ssories for t arget practice, for issue and sale in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Prac- tice and appro ved by the Se cretary of Wa r, in connecti on with the encouragement of rifle practice, in pursuance of the provisions of law, $125,000 . No pay to offi cer, No part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available etc ., using time-meas- uring device . for the salary or pay of any officer, manager, superintendent, fore- man, or other person having charge of the work of any employee of the United States Government while making or causing to be made with a stop watch, or other time-measuring device, a time study of any job of any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work ; nor shall any part of the appropriations made in ca sh reward re- stricted . this Act be available to pay any premiums or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except for sug gestions resu lting in impr ovements or ec onomy in the operation of any Government plant . Nonmilitary activ- TITLE II-NONMILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE WAR ities . DEP ARTM ENT Qua rtermast er Corps . e T o es tabl ish and main tain ind oor and outd oor rifl e ra nges for the use of all able-bodied males capable of bearing arms, under reasonable regulations to be prescribed by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and approved by the Secretary of War ; for the employment of labor in connection with the establishment of outdoor and indoor rifle ranges, including labor in operating targets ; for the employment of instructors ; for clerical services, including not exceed- ing $15,000 in the District of Columbia ; for badges and other insig- nia ; for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services, and for expenses incidental to instruction of citizens of the United States in in marksmanship, and their participation in national and international matches, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, $17,178 . QUARTERMASTER CORPS CEMETERIAL EXPENSES National cemeteries. Maintenance, etc . For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel f or and pay o f sup erinte ndents and t he su perint endent at Mexico City, l aborers and o ther employee s, purchase of tools and materials ; and for the repair, maintenance, and operation of motor vehicles ; care and maintenance of the Arlington Memorial Amphi- Arlington, Va.

theater, chapel, and grounds in the Arlington National Cemetery,