Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/323

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POSTAL AGREEMENT-HELLENIC REPUBLIC. July 14, 1938. August I, 1933. 1595 2. Les limites de poids et de dimensions precitees peuvent ~tre modifiees d'un commun accord par voie de correspondance. ARTICLE II Colis en Transit 1. Chaque Administration ga- rantit la liberte de transit sur son territoire, dans les relations avec les pays avec lesquels elle entre- tient un echange de colis, pour tout colis originaire ou a destina- tion de l'autre Administration contractante. 2. Les Administrations se noti- fient la nomenclature des pays a destination desquels elles ac- ceptent des colis en transit. 3. Pour ~tre acceptes au tran- sit, les colis doivent ~tre con- formes aux prescriptions du pays intermediaire. ARTICLE III Affranchissement. Taxes. 1. L'Administration du pays d'origine est autorisee a percevoir surl'expediteurde chaque colis, sui- vant les prescriptions en vigueur dans son service, les taxes de transport, les taxes a la valeur, ainsi que les droits pour les avis de reception et les recherches. 2. Les taxes et droits prevus au Paragraphe 1 doivent ~tre payes d'avance, sauf en cas de reexpedi- tion ou de renvoi des colis. 3. 11 ne peut etre per~u aucun droit et aucune taxe autres que ceux prevus par Ie pr~en t Arrange- ment on par son R~glement d'Execution. ARTICLE IV Conditionnement des Colis. Chaque colis doit etre emballe d'une mani~re qui repond a la duree du transport et qui pre- serve Ie contenu, ainsi qu'il est prescrit par Ie R~glement d'Exe- cution. 86637°-34 -I 'T 2 -20 2. The above-mentioned weight limits and maximum dimensions may be changed by an agree- ment made by correspondence. ARTICLE II Transit Parcels Transit parcels. 1. Each Administration guar- Rights guarantMd. antees liberty of transit over its territory, in relations with coun- tries WIth which it maintains an exchange of parcels, for every par- cel originating in or destined for the other contracting Administra- tion. 2. The Administrations notify Notice. each other as to the countries of destination for which they accept parcels in transit. 3. To be accepted in transit, Other requiremenU. parcels must be in conformity with the provisions of the inter- mediate country. ARTICLE III Postage and Fees. P06tage, etc. 1. The Administration of the CoJlectlng, from country of origin is authorized to sender. collect from the sender of each parcel, in accordance with the provisions in force in its service, the postage charges and insurance fees, as well as the fees for return receipts and inquiries. 2. The charges and fees pro- Prepayment. vided for in Section 1 must be paid in advance, save in case of reforwarding or return of parcels. 3. No fee or postage charge Hestrlctlon. other than those provided for by the present Agreement or its Regulations of Execution may be collected. ARTICLE IV Preparation oj Parcels. Preparing parcels. Every parcel shall be packed in Packing require- ments. a manner adequate for the len~th of the j~urney and the protection of the contents as set forth in the Regulations of Execution.