Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/11

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LI ST OF PUB LIC AC TS AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . The National Archives. AN ACT To provide for the printing and distribution of Government pub licati ons t o The Natio nal Ar chives J une 17, 1935-_

386 G eolo gical Surv ey i nvest igat ions in Pu erto Rico . JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for exten- sion of cooperative work of the Geological Survey to Puerto Rico_ _Julie 17, 1935__ 386 Jean Jules Jusserand, memorial . JOIN T RE SOLU TION Auth oriz ing the e rect ion of a memorial to the late Jean Jules Jusserand June 17, 1935- _

386 National Boy Scout Jamboree, 1935. JOI NT RE SOL UT ION To permit the temporary en- try into the United States under certain conditions of alien participants and officials of the Nat ional Boy Scout Jam boree to be held in the United States in 1935

June 17,1935__

387 ! ,-H Club a ssembla ges . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to pay necessary expenses of assemblages of the 4-H Clubs, and for other purposes

June 17,1935__

387 Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska, c laims . AN ACT Authorizing the Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska to bring suit in the United States Court of Claims, and conferring jurisdiction upon said court to hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment upon any and all claims which sa id Indians may have, or claim to have, ag ain st the United States, and for other purposes Ju ne19,1935 __ 388 Sale of property under court o rder . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the manner in which property shall be sold under orders and decrees of any United States courts", approved Ma rch 3, 18 93, as amended June 19, 1935_ _ 390 National Defense Act, a mendments . AN ACT To ame nd the Na tio nal De fen se Act of Ju ne 3, 191 6, as amended J une 19, 1935__

391 Leif Erikson Day . JOINT RESOLUTION Requesting the President to proclaim cto ber 9 as Leif Er iks on Day June 19,1935__ 392 Kano sh Indi ans, Ut ah, l ands . AN ACT To reserve eighty acres on the public domain for the use and benefit of the Kanosh Band of Indians in the State of Utah _June 20, 1935__

393 Zuni Indian Reservation, N . Mex ., lands . AN ACT Tr ansf err ing certain national-forest lands to the Zu ni Indian Reservation, New Mexico June 20, 1935 _ _ 393 Big Bend National Park, Tex . AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the Big Bend National Park in the State of Texas, and for other purposes June 20, 1935--

393 Offenses within Federal territory . JOINT RESOLUTION To amend section 289 of the Criminal Code June 20,1935__ 394 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, D . C . AN ACT To ame nd sec tio n 4 865 of the R evi sed St atu tes, as amended June 24,1935__

394 Philippine Islands, buildings for U .S . Representative. AN ACT Authorizing the construction of buildings for the United States Representative in the Phillipine Islands

June 24,1935-_

394 Naturalization of alien v eterans . AN ACT To extend further time for naturalization to alien veterans of the World War under the Act approved May 25, 1932 (47 Stat . 165), to extend the same privileges to certain veterans of countries allied with the United States dur ing the World War, and for other purposes June 24, 1935_- 395 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, exchange of lands. AN ACT To authorize an exchange of lands between the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto- mac Railroad Co mpa ny and the United States at Quantico, Virginia

June 24,19 35__

395 Naturalization of certain alien World War veterans . ANACT To autho rize the na tural izatio n of certain resident alien World War veterans June 24, 1935__

397 Appropriations, Navy Department, etc ., fiscal year 1936. AN ACT Making appropriaions for the Na vy Department and the naval service for the fiscal ye ar ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes . June 24, 1935__

398 Lincoln National Forest, N . Mex ., exchange of lands, e tc . ANACT To exten d the provi sions of section 2 of the Act of February 28, 1925, authorizing re ser vati ons of ti mbe r, minerals, or easements to exchanges of lands in the State of New Mexico, under the Act of February 14, 1923, and the Act of February 7, 1929 June 25, 1935-- 422 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to accept the cession by the State of Orego n of exclusive juri sdiction over the l ands embraced within the Crater Lake Na tional Park, and fo r other purposes" - --June 25, 1935__ 422 Dallas, Tex ., public building . AN ACT To rep eal the limitation on the sale price of the Federal bu ilding at Main and Ervay Streets, Dall as, Texas Jun e 25, 1 93 5_ _ 423 Ken nesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, Ga ., es ta bl i sh ed . A N ACT To create a national mem orial milit ary pa rk at and in the vicin ity of Kenn esaw M ounta in in the S tate of Georgia, and for other purposes June 2 6, 19 35__

423 District of Columbia, Grover Cleveland monument . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the ere ctio n of a mon ument to Grover Cle velan d in Wash ingto n, Di stric t of Columbia June 26, 1935__ 424 Ship Mortgage Act, a mendments . AN ACT To amend the Ship Mortgage Act, 1920, otherwise known as "section 30" of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, approved June 5, 1920, to allow the benefits of said Act to be enjoyed by owners of certain vessels of the United States of less than two hundred gross tons June 27,1935__ 424 District of Columbia, central heating plant . AN ACT To authorize the furnishing of steam fr om the cent ral he ating plant to the Federal Reserv e Boa rd, an d for other pur- poses June 27,1935__ 425