Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1134

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 840 . SEPTEMB ER 4, 1935 .

10 89 [CHA PTER 840 .1 AN ACT September 4, 1935 . To provide for the immediate settlement of the obl ig at ion of the Joe Graham [S .3184 .1 Post of the American Legion arising out of the purchase of the Ship Isl and

[Public . No. 414.1- Mili tary R eserv ation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled That notwith- Ship Island Military f

Reservation, Miss . standin g the p rovision s of th e Act e ntitled "An Act providi ng for vo1 . 48, p. 150. the sale to Joe Graham Post Numbered 119, American Legi on, of the lands lying within the Ship Island Military Reservation, in the State of Mississippi ", approved June 15, 1 933, and the contract entered into on September 15, 1933, between the War Department and the Joe Graham Post Numbered 119, of the American Legion, settlement of obiiga- Incororated the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to tion of Joe Gra ham p


Post, Amer ican Le- cause a reappraisal to be made of such lands and to accept, in full gion, arising from pur- settlement of the obligation of said Joe Graham Post under the chase of terms of said contract, such sum, not less than $1,658 .22, as he deems fair and equitable in the light of such reappraisal . Approved, September 4, 1935 . 104019'-36-69