Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1163

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 49 . FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . C. S., 1803 . see .3709; u.S. thereby , purchase without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, a gricu ltura l com modit ies a nd pr oduct s the reof, incl uding purc hases for donation to the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation . Administrative expenses, exportation and domestic consumption o f agr icult ural commo ditie s : Not to exceed $300,000 of the appro- priation made for the fiscal year 1936 in section 3-2 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved August 24, 1935, is hereby made avail- able fo r administrative expenses, including the employment of per- sons an d means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, other than administrative expenses in connection with the 1935 cotton price adjustment payment plan . Agri cult ural com- modities, Importa tion and domestic cons ump- tio n. Administrative ex- pen ses,, p. 774. Department of Com- merce. Bureau of Navi ga- tion and Steamboat In- spection. Salaries and expenses . Ante, p. 91. Census Bureau . Social Security Act, expenses. Ante, p. 620 . .Pro viso . Establishment of age . Foreign and Domes- tic Commerce Bureau . Export industries, in- vestigations . Ante, p. 88. Klamat . h Indi ans, Oreg., support . DE PARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUR EAU OF NA VIG ATI ON AND STEAMBOAT INS PEC TIO N Salaries and expenses : For an additional amount for depart- mental salaries and for salaries and general expenses, Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, including the same objects specified under these respective heads in the Department of Com- merce Appropriation Act, 1936, $126,000 . BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Salaries and expenses, Social Security Act : For salaries and necessary expenses for searching census records and supplying infor- mation incident to carrying out the provisions of the Social Secur- ity Act, approved August 14, 1935, including personal services and rentals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; temporary employees who may be appointed by the Director of the Census under civil-service rules at rates of pay to be fixed by him without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; traveling expenses ; printing and binding ; supplies ; services ; office and mechanical equipment, including equipment for the reproduction of c ensus reco rds a nd te chnic al, m echan ical, and other serv ices in connection therewith, fiscal year 1936, $150,000 : Provided, That the procedure for the furnishing from census records of evidence for the establishment of age, of individuals through the expenditure of this appropriation shall be pursuant to regulations approved jointly by the Secretary of Commerce and the Social Security Board . BUREA U OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE Exp or t i ndu st rie s : For an addit ional amo unt for salaries and expe nses, incl uding the same objec ts sp ecifi ed un der t his h ead i n the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1936, and salaries of employees of the Export-Import Bank of Washington transferred to the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, fiscal year 1936, $36,000 . Dep artme nt of the Interior .

DEP ART MEN T OF THE IN TER IOR . Indian Affairs Bu- reau. Navajo Indians . Leasing of lands for Navajo Indians (tribal funds)

For lease, Ariz., andN. Max. Land, etc ., leases. pending purchase, of land and water right s for the use and benefit of Indians of the Navajo Tribe in Arizona and New Mexico, fiscal year 1936, $25,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Navajo Tribe . Klamath Indians : For an additional amount fo r support of Indians and administration of Indian property, Klamath Reserva- tion, Oregon, fiscal years 1936 and 1937, $4,000, payable from funds BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIR S