Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1177

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74th$ CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 49. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . For gunnery and engineering exercises, Bureau of Navigation, $5 . For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $185 .60 . For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $101 .30. For engineeri ng, Burea u of Eng ineering, $ 1 . 92 . For medical department, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $137. For pay of the Navy, $2,595 .10. For pay, Marine Corps, $782.66. For maintenance Bureau of Yards and Docks, $2 43 . 0 8 . Department of State . Department of Mate : For contingent expenses, foreign missions, $3.67. For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $10 .33 . For contingent expenses, United States consulates, $49 .70 . mek asury Depart- Treasury f epartment : For collecting the revenue from customs, $2 .80. For collecti ng the internal revenue, $ 41 . 9 5 . For enfo rceme nt of Narc otic a nd Na tiona l Pro hibit ion A cts, internal revenue, $2.50. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Industrial Alcohol, $2 .50. For stationer y, Treasu ry Depar tment, $ 7 . 4 8 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $9,609 .29 . For contingen t expense s, Coast Guard, $ 34 8 . 3 8 . For fuel and water, Coast Guard, $190 .79 . For outfits, Coast Guard, $155 .49 . For pa of per sonnel an d mainte nance of hospitals , Public Health Serv ice, 47.89. For collecting the war revenue, $115 .56. For increase of compensation, Treasury Department ? $ 17.33 . For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $103 .83 . For operating supplies for public buildings, 36 cents . For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $11 .17. War Department.

War Department : For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $12,792 .81. For pay of the Army, $5,296 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $2,708 .91 . For Army transportation, $854 .98 . For bar racks an d quarter s, $296 .51 . For Natio nal Gu ard, $722 .88 . For subsistence of the Army, $1 .50 . For extra-duty pay to enlisted men as clerks, and so forth, at Army division and department headquarters, $21 .50 . D ist rict of Colu mbia . District of Columbia : For general expenses, public parks, Dis- trict of Columbia, $152.50 . Post Office Depart- Post Office Department--Postal Service (out of the postal went . revenues) : For city-delivery carriers, $5,307 .36 . For clerks, first- and second-class post offices, $2,642 .90 . For clerks, third-class post offices, $257 .09 . For com pensatio n to post masters, $6,287 . 2 8 . For frei ght, expre ss, or ma il t ransp ortat ion of eq uipm ent, 60 ce nts . For foreign mail transportation (Sea post service), $10 . For indemnities, domestic mail, $333 .47. For indemnities, international mail, $215 .03 . For miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices, $30.72 . For post office equipment and supplies, $7.25 . For Railway Mail Service, miscellaneous expenses, $629 .40 . For railroad transportation and mail messenger service, $230.66 . For rent, li ght, and fuel, $4,08 2 . 0 1 ., For Rural Delivery Service, $141.9 . For separating mail, $36 . For special delivery fees, $110 .95, . For temporary clerks, $91 .93.