Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1179

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 49. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . For clothing and equipage, $1 5 5 .92 . For Army transportation, $172.37 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $4,539 .46. For pay of the Army, $1,907 .64. For ordnance service and supplies, Army, $345 .62. For Air Corps, Army, $12.43. For Air Service, Army, $33 . For mileage of the Army, $11 .20 . For Organized Reserves, $18 .05 . For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $101 .26 . For subsistence of the Army, $9 9 .65 . For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $7.11 . For power plant, Fort Mills, Corregidor, Philippine Islands, $3,0 02 . For pay of Military Academy, $182 . For clothing, camp, and garrison equipment, $12 .12 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, $10 . Post Offi ce Depart- Post Office Department-Postal Service (out of the postal ment . revenues) : For indemnities, domestic mail, $60.75 . Total ; add itional sum, increas es in rates

Total, audited claims, section 4 (d), $22,265 .70, together with such of exchange,

additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be neces- sary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in certain of the settlements of the General Accounting Office . Claims under pri- SEC. 5. (a) For payment of claims allowed by the General gate nets_

Accounting Office pursuant to private Acts of the Seventy-fourth Congress and certified to such Congress in House Document Num- bered 285, and Senate Document Numbered 158, as follows Post, p .2059.

Under the War Department : For payment to claimants under the provisions of Private Act Numbered 38, approved May 15, 1935, $17,505 .46 ; Post, p . 2060.

For payment to the Jay Street Termi nal, New Yo rk, under th e provisions of Private Act Numbered 39, approved May 15, 1935, $1097 - in in all, $18,602 .46 . Vol. 48, p.1398.

b) For payment of claim allowed by the General Accounting 0 ce purs uant to Pri vate Act Num ber ed 26 6 of the Seventy-third Congress and certified to the Seventy-fourth Congress in Senate Document Numbered 127, as follows Under the War Department, $6,937 .14. Judg ments agai nst collectors of customs .

SEC . 6. Judgments against collectors of customs : For the a ment of claims allowed by the General Accounting Office covering judgments rendered by United States District Courts against col- lectors of customs, where certificates of probable cause have been R .S ., sec . 989, p. 185. issued as provided for under section 989, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., u. S. C.,p. 1314. title 28, sec . 842), and certified to the Seventy-fourth Congress in House Document Numbered 295 and Senate Documents Numbered 129, 159, and 160 under the Department of Labor, $30,353 .65 Emergency Eel i of SEC, 7 . That section 1 of the Emergen cy Relief A ppropriation Appropriation Act, 1935, amendment .

Act of 1935, approved April 8, 1935, be, and the same is hereby, Ante, p . 115, amended by inserting at the end of the first proviso of the second paragraph thereof, a new proviso as follows : "Provided further, That the apportionment requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to loans or grants, or both, under limitation (g) of the first paragraph of this section, for public highways and related projects, including grade crossings ." Title .

SEC . 8 . This Act may be cited as the "Supplemental Appro- priation Act, fisc al year 19 36 ." Approved, February 11, 1936 .