Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1274

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 233. APRIL 17, 1936 .

1229 For extra services of employees and additional employees under Sunday ,etc . ,ope ning . the Librarian to provide for the opening of the Library Building on Sundays and on holidays, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $5 .100 . For special and temporary services in connection with the custody, rpserv and tempo. ray ercices . care, and maintenance of the Library Building, including extra spe- cial services of regular employees at the discretion of the Librarian, at rates to be fixed by the Librari an, $5 00 . For mai l, deliv ery, and telepho ne servi ces, rub ber boot s, rubbe r Incidentals, etc ° coats, and othe r specia l clothi ng for w orkmen, uniforms for gua rds and elevator conductors, medical supplies, equipment, and contingent expenses for the emergency room, stationery, miscellaneous supplies, and all other incidental expenses in connection with the custody and maintenance of the Library Building, $8,900 . For any expense of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board eCT ,enes .Fund Board, not properly chargeable to the income of any trust fund held by the Board, $500 . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

Gov ern me nt Print. ing Office . To provide the Public Printer with a working capital for the Printingand binding . following purposes for the execution of printing, binding, litho- graphing, mapping, engraving, and other authorized work of the Governm ent Prin ting Off ice for the vari ous bran ches of the Gove rn- ment : For salaries of Public Printer and Deputy Public Printer ; Public Printer, Dep- for salar ies, com pensatio n, or wa ges of a ll nece ssary of ficers a nd uty, etc . employees additional to those herein appropriated for, including em- ployees necessary to handle waste paper and condemned material for sale ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions etc e aves of a bsence

of law granting holidays and half holidays and Executive orders grant ing ho liday s and half h oliday s wit h pay to employees ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of law granting leave to employees with pay, said pay to be at the rate for their regular positions at the time the leave is granted ; rental of buildi ngs and equipmen t, fuel, gas, he at, ele ctric cu rrent, g as and electric fixtures ; bicycles, motor-propelled vehicles for the car- Vehi cles . riage of printing and printing supplies, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including operation, repair, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and the purchase or exchange of two such pass enger ve hicles ( at a cos t, inclu ding th e allowa nce on a ny vehicle given in part payment therefor, of not to exceed $1,000 and $750, respectively), for official use of the officers of the Govern- ment Printing Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer

freig ht, expr essa ge, tele grap h an d te leph one ser vice , fu rnit ure, typ e- writers, and carpets ; traveling expenses ; stationery, postage, and advertising ; directories, technical books, newspapers and magazines, and books of reference (not exceeding $500) ; add ing an d num bering machines, time stamps, and other machines of similar character

rubber bo ots, coa ts, and gloves ; machinery (not exceeding $300,- Machinery, etc. 000) ; equi pment ., and for repairs to machinery, implements, and buildings, and for minor alterations to buildings ; necessary equip- ment, mai ntenance , and su pplies f or the e mergenc y room f or the u se of all emplo yees i n the Gover nment Print ing Of fice w ho may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty ; other necessary contingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer

for ex pen ses au tho riz ed in wr iti ng by the joint Committee on Printing for the inspection of printing and binding equipment, mate- rial, and supplies and Government printing plants in the District