Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1382

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 405 . 1IAY 15, 1936 .

1337 Census of Agriculture : For an additional amount for salaries and census of Agricul- ture . necessary expenses of the Census Bureau for compiling and pu blish- S alaries and expen ses . ing the Census of Agriculture of the United States for 1935, includ- C.,p.492.p.2


ing the same objects specified under this head in the Department of A nte,p. 91 . Commerce Appropriation Act, 1936, $200,000, to be available imme- diately, and to remain available until December 31, 1936 . Bure au of Naviga- ti on OF NAVIGATIO N AND STE AMBOAT INS PECTION

tion and Steamboat Inspection . Departmental salaries : For the director and other personal services Departmental sala- ries . in the District of Columbia, $179,000 .

Post, 1) .1380. Salaries and general expenses : For salaries of shipping commis- General expenses . sioners, steamboat inspectors, and other personal services ; to enable Enforcement of in- the Secretary of Commerce to provide and operate such motor boats Spection, etc ., laws . and employ such persons (including temporary employees) as may be necess ary f or th e enf orceme nt, u nder his di recti on, o f laws rela ting to navigation and inspection of vessels, boarding of vessels, counting of passengers on excursion boats to prevent overcrowding, and to secure uniformity in the admeasurement of vessels ; fees to witnesses ; traveling expenses of the personnel of the bureau and field offices ; materials, supplies, equipment, and services, including rent and jani- tor service ; purchase, exchange, and repair of instruments ; plans and specifications ; insignia, braid, and chin straps ; coats, caps, and aprons for stewards' departments on vessels ; and other incidental expenses of field offices, including contract stenographic reporting services, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; $1,748,500 . NA TIO NAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Bureau of Standards . Salaries and expenses : For carrying out the provisions of the Act Salaries and ex- establishing the National Bureau of Standards, approved March 3, p Vol.31,p .1449 . 1901 (U. S. C., title 5, sets. 591, 597 ; title 15, sees . 271-278), and of u .S.C.,pp.78,560. Act s su pple menta ry t here to a ffect ing the funct ions of the Burea u, and s pecif icall y inc luding the funct ions a s set fort h unde r the Bure au of Standards in the "Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, Vol. 48, p. 552. 1935", approved April 7, 1934, and for all necessary expenses, pur- chases, a nd personnel conn ected with admini stration and oper ation, testing, inspection and technical information service, research and development, and standards for commerce, including rental of labora- tories in the field, communication service, transportation service ; travel, street-car fares not exceeding $100, expenses of the visiting committee, attendance of American member at the meeting of the Attendance at meet- ing of Int ern atio nal International Committee of Weights and Measures, attendance at committee of weights meetings concerned with standardization and research, or either, and Measures . when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Com- merce, not to exceed $4,500 ; compensation and expenses of medical Detailed Public officers of the Public Health Service detailed to the National Bureau Health Service officers . of Standards for the purpose of maintaining a first-aid station and making clinical observations ; compiling and disseminating scientific and technical data ; demonstrating the results of the Bureau's work by exhibits or otherwise as may be deemed most effective ; purchases supplies, of supplies, materials, stationery, electric power, fuel for heat, light, and power, and accessories of all kinds needed in the wo rk of the Bur eau, i nclud ing s uppli es for offi ce, l aborat ory, shop, and p lant, and cleaning and toilet supplies, gloves, goggles, rubber boots, and aprons ; contingencies of all kinds ; supplies for operation, main- tenance, and repair of mot or trucks and a p assenger automobi le for official use including their exchange ; purchases of equipment of all Equi pment . kinds, including its repair and exchange, including apparatus,