Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1411

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136 6

74Tr CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 432 . MAY 20, 1936. advisable to protect the investment therein, but not to exceed five sale . years after the acquisition thereof ; and to sell such property so purch ased or acquire d, upon such te rms and for suc h consi deration as the Administrator shall determine to be reasonable . Disposal of enc um- No borrower of funds under section 4 shall without the approval bered propertre, et c., bre borrower, of th e Admin istrator , sell or dispo se of i ts prope rty, ri ghts, or franchises, acquired under the provisions of this Act, until any loan obtained from the Rural Electrification Administration, including all interest and charges, shall have been repaid . Prior loans and con- tracts ; administration SEC. 8 . The administration of loans and contracts entered into by may be vested in Ad- the Rural Electrification Administration established by Executive ministrator.

Order Nu mbered 7037, dated May 11, 1935, may be vest ed by the President in the Administrator authorized to be appointed by this Act ; and in such event the provisions of this Act shall apply to said loans and contracts to the extent that said provisions are not incon- Transfer of records, si stent the rewit h . The President may transfer to the Rural Elec- proertre, and pe rson- nee trification Administration created by this Act the jurisdiction and con trol of the rec ords, pr operty (includi ng offi ce equi pment), and personnel used or employed in the exercise and performance of the functions of the Rural Electrification Administration established by such Executive order. fstration of Act .admi n

SEC. 9. This Act shall be administered entirely on a nonpartisan basis, and in the appointment of officials, the selection of employees, and in the promotion of any such officials or employees, no political Merit srestem of ap- test or qualification shall be permitted or given consideration, but pointments, etc.

all such appointments and promotions shall be given and made on Rem oval of of ficials, the basis of merit and efficiency . If the Ad ministr ator her ein pro - etc . , for violation . vided for is found by the President of the United States to be guilty of a violation of this section, he shall be removed from office by the President, and any appointee or selection of officials or employees made by the Administrator who is found guilty of a violation of this Act shall be removed by the Administrator . C ngnual reports to SEC. 10 . The Administrator shall present annually to the Congress not later than the 20th day of January in each year a full report of his activities under this Act . U tilization of volun - SEC . 11 . In order to carry out the provisions of this Act the Mar r e' etc" services .

Administrator may accept ad utilize such voluntary and uncom- pensated services of Federal, State, and local officers and employees as are available, and he may without regard to the provisions of civil- service laws applicable to officers and employees of the United States Attorneres, engineers, appoint and fix the compensation of attorneys, engineers, and experts, and experts ; appoi nt- ment, compen sation, and he may, subject to the civil-service laws, appoint such other etc'

officers and employees as he may find necessary and prescribe their i x pendi tures auth or- du tie s. The Administrator is authorized, from sums appropriated Ante, p. Pass . pursuant to section 6, to make such expenditures (including expendi- tures for personal services ; supplies and equipment ; lawbooks and books of reference ; directories and periodicals ; travel expenses ; rental at the seat of government and elsewhere

the purchase, opera-

tion , or ma intenanc e of pa ssenger -carryin g vehic les

and printing

and binding) as are appropriate and necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . Time extension on SEC . 12. The Administrator is authorized and empowered to extend paym ents, authorized . the time of payment of interest or principal of any loans made by the Provi ' sos '

Administrator pursuant to this Act : Provided however, That with Loans on plants,


, lin es, et c. respect to any loan made under section 4, the payment of interest or principal shall not be extended more than five years after such pay- ment shall have become due , and with respect to any loan made un der sec tion 5, the pay ment of princip al or in terest shall no t be extended more than two years after such payment shall have become