Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1500

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74T H C ONGRESS . SESS. IT. CH. 489. JUNE 4, 1936 .

14 55 So il and m oisture conserva tion and land-us e invest igations


So il and moisture conservation and land- research and i nvestigations into the cha racter, cause, extent, hist ory, use investigations . and effec ts of er osion an d soil a nd moist ure depl etion a nd metho ds for s oil and mois ture con serv atio n, i nclu ding con str ucti on, oper atio n, and maintenance of experimental watersheds, stations, laboratories, plots, and installations, and other necessary expenses, $1,540,780 . Soil and moisture conservation operations, demonstrations, and information : For carrying out preventive measures to conserve soil a n d m oi st u re ; includi ng such special measures as may be nece ssary to prevent floods and the siltation of reservoirs, the establishment and operation of erosion nurseries, the making of conservation plans an d survey s, the d issemina tion of informat ion, and other n ecessary expenses, $22,853,485 . Total, Soil Conservation Service, $24,869,265, of which not to exceed $1,608,640 may be expended for personal services in the Di strict o f Columb ia, and not to e xceed $6 2,500 sh all be a vailable for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger- carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . IN TER CHA NGE OF APP ROPR IAT ION S Not to exceed 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous expenses of the work of any bureau, division, or office herein provided for shall be available interchangeably for expendi- tures on the objects included within the general expenses of such bureau, division, or office, but no more than 10 per centum shall be ad ded to a ny one i tem of a ppropria tion exc ept in c ases of extraor- di nary emerge ncy, a nd the n onl y upon the written order of the Secretary of Agriculture : Provided, That a statement of any trans- fers of appropriations made hereunder shall be included in the an nual Budget . MISCELLANEOUS WOR K FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS During the fiscal year 1937 the head of any department or inde- pendent establishment of the Government requiring inspections, analyses, and tests of food and other products, within the scope of th e fun ctions of th e Depa rtmen t of A gricul ture and which that Department is unable to perform within the limits of its appropria- tions, may, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, transfer to the Department of Agriculture for direct expenditure such sums as may be necessary for the performance of such work . Within the limitations specified under the several headings the lump-sum appropriations herein made for the Department of Agri- cu lture sh all be a vailable for the purchas e of mot or-prope lled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of the field work of the Department of Agriculture outside the District of Columbia : Provided, That such vehicles shall be used only for official service outside the District of Columbia, but this sha ll not prevent the continue d use for off icial service of motor truc ks in the Dis trict of Columbi a : Provi ded fur ther, That the limitation on e xpenditu res for purchase of pass enger-ca rrying v ehicles in the fi eld serv ice shal l be int erchange able bet ween the various bureaus and offices of the Department, to such extent as the exigencies of the service may require : Provided further, That appropriations con- tained in this Act shall be available for the maintenance, operation, Operations, demon- strat ions, a nd info rma- tio n . Services in the Dis- trict . Vehicles. Interchange of ap- propriations . Proviso. Statement to be in- cluded in Budget . Miscellaneous . Work for other De- partments . Tran sfer o f funds for inspection, etc ., of food, authorized. PASSENGER-CARRYING VEHICLES

Passenger vehicles . Purchase of, from lump-sum appropria- tions, for field work . Provisos . Use restricted to offi- ci al service . Interchangeable funds . A vaila ble for main te- nance, etc .