Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/158

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 46, 47. APRIL 8, 1935. the absentee's wife and minor children, and to the discharge of such debts and claims for alimony as may be proved against said absentee . SEC. 11 . The court may authorize the receiver to adjust by arbi- tration or comp romise any dema nd in favor of or against the estate of such absentee . SEc . 12 . The receiver shall be allowed such compensation and dis- bursements as the court orders, to be paid out of said property or proceeds . If within fourteen years after the date of the disappear- ance and absconding as found and recorded by the court, such absen- tee appears, or an administrator, executor, assignee in insolvency, or trustee in bankruptcy of such absentee is appointed, such receiver shall account for, deliver, and pay over to him the remainder of said property . If such absentee does not appear and claim said pr operty within such fourte en yea rs, al l his r ight, title, and i nterest in said property, real or personal, or the proceeds thereof shall cease, and no action shall be brought by him on account thereof . SEc. 13. If at the expiration of such fourteen years said property has not been accoun ted for, delive red, or paid o ver under the p ro- visions of the preceding section, the court shall order the distribu- tion of the remainder to the persons to whom, and in the shares and proportions in which, it would have been distributed if such absentee had died intestate within the District of Columbia on the day four- teen years after the date of the disappearance or absconding as found and recorded by the court . SEC . 14 . If such receiver is not appointed within thirteen years after the date found by the court under section 5, the time limited for accounting for, or fixed for distributing, said property or its proceeds, or for barring actions relative thereto, shall be one year afte r the date of the appoint ment of the receiv er ins tead of the f our- teen years provided in the two preceding sections; except that the time limited for accounting for, or fixed for distributing, any addi- tional property or its proceeds within the District of Columbia com- ing into the possession of such receiver during such one-year period, or for barring actions relative thereto, shall be one year after the date possession is taken by such receiver . SEc. 15 . Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as repeal- ing or modifying sections 252 or 253 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia ", approved March 3, 1901, as amended . Approved, April 8, 1935 . 113 Adjustment ofclaims. compensation of re- ceive r . Accounting; when . Wh en rights of ab- sentee deemed di- vested . Distribution of re- mainder . Provisions where re- ceiv er not app oin ted within 13 years . Existing law not af- fected. Vol.31,p.1230. [CHA PTER 47 .1 AN ACT April 8, 1935. Relating to the incorporation of Trinity College of Washington, Dis tric t of [11 . R. 3477 .1 Columbia, organized under and by virtue of a certificate of incorporation

[Public, No . 28.] pursuant to the incorporation laws of the District of Columbia, as provided in sub chap ter 1of cha pter 18 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the incorpora- Trini ty nWashington, College, Lion of Trinity College of Washington, District of C olumbia, under incorporation ap- chapter 18 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia, be, pro ved . and the same is hereby, approved and confirmed, except as herein specifically altered . SEC . 2. That the trustees constituting and managing the said cor- Trustees . poration shall number not less than eight nor more than fifteen, each of whom, except the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore, shall be a member of the religious congregation of the Qualifications . Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur; that Julia Schumacher, Mary 104019'-36 8