Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1598

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74TIl CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 630, 631. JUNE 20, 1936 .

1 553 taining to the office . Government publications furnished deposi- n hPublications ad depositories fur tort' libraries shall be made available for the free use of the general public and must not be disposed of except as the Superintendent of Documents may direct . SEC. 12 . That section 1777 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 89), relating to preservation of Statutes at Large, and so much of chapter 433, section 1 (22 Stat . 336), of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act, for 1883, approved August 7, 1882 (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 90), relating to statutes furnished judges to remain publ ic property, and section 506 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U . S. C ., title 44, sec . 90), relating to books and documents not to be removed from depositories, be, and are hereby, repealed . I So in original . 104019'- .",6

98 Pr ovision s repea led . R.S.,sec.1777,p.315; sec.506,p.84. Vol .22,p.336 . U.S.C.,pp.42,1935. TIT LE V III ACCEPTANCE OF PAPER AND ENVELOPES SEC . 13. That chapter 23, section 7 (28 Stat . 602), of the Printing Act, approved January 12, 1895 (U . S . C ., title 44, sec . 9), relative to the comparison of paper with the standard quality, be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows 9 . COMPA RISON OF PAP ER AND ENVELO PES WITH STAN DARD QUALITY . - Comparison of paper and envelopes wi th The Public Printer shall compare every lot of paper and envelopes standard quality . delivered by a contractor with the standard of quality fixed upon by the Joint Committee on Printing, and shall not accept any paper or envelopes which does not conform to it in every particular : Pro- P roepo . vided, however , T hat a ny lo t of deliv ered paper or e nvelo pes w hich j eeted pape r does not conform to such standard of quality may be accepted by count. the Joint Committee on Printing at such discount as, in its opinion, may be sufficient to protect the interests of the Government . TITLE IX PUBLIC BI LLS AND R ESOLU TIONS FOR DEPA RTMEN TS SEC . 14. That the second sentence of chapter 23, section 90 (28 Stat . 616), of the Printing Act, approved January 12, 1895 (U . S . C . , t itl e 44, sec . 215), authorizing the Public Printer to furnish to the depart- ments copies of all bills and resol utions req uired for official u se, be, and is hereby, amended as follows : After the word "all" insert the word "public" . SEC. 15 . That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed . Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPTER 631 .] Acceptance of paper and envelopes . Vol.28,p.602. U.S.C.,p.1929. of at re- dis- Public bills and reso- l uti ons for dep art- ments . Vol.28,p.623. U. S. C., p. 1944 . Public bills, etc ., to be fur nish ed . Inconsistent l aws re- pe aled . AN ACT June 20, 1936 . To extend the benefits of the Adams Act, the Purnell Act, and the Capper- [S .3784 .] Ketc ham Act t o the Ter ritory of Alaska, a nd for ot her purpo ses .

[Public, No. 725.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following Acts, to wit, an Act entitled "An Act to provide for an increased annual appropriation for agriculture 1 experiment stations and regu- lating the expenditure thereof", approved March 16, 1906, and known as the Adams Act ; an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the more complete endowment of agricultural experiment stations, and for other purposes", approved February 24, 1925, and known as the Purnell Act ; and an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further Alas ka. Benefits of certain Acts extended to. Agricultural experi- ment stations . Vol.34, p.63; U.S.C., p. 139. Additional endow- m ent of agricultural experiment stations. Vol . 43, p. 970 ; U.S.C.,p.139.