Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1635

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 688 . JUN E 22, 1936 . mated construction cost, $193,000 ; Diking District Numbered 1 (Lit- tle Island), estimated construction cost, $26,000 ; Diking and Improvement District Numbered 4, estimated construction co st $150,200. Pa cif ic County, Pacific County Diking District, Pacific County, Washington : Raise and improve existing levees to increase flood protection for agricul- tural community as set forth in a special report in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, estimated construction cost, $22,700 . O Mult nomah County . Drainage and diking districts in Multnomah County, Oregon Rai se and improve e xisting levees to increase flood p rotection for the following agricultural communities as set forth ina special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers : Sandy Drain- age District, estimated construction cost, $92,000 ; Multnomah Drainage District Numbered 1, estimated construction cost, $547,400

Peninsular Drainage District Numbered 1, estimated construction cost, $13 3,300 ; Pen insu lar Drain age Dist rict Numb ered 2, estim ated construction cost, $287,200. Oeg lumbia county, Drainage and diking districts in Columbia County, Oregon : Raise and improve existing levees to increase flood protection for the following listed projects for the protection of agricultural commu- nities as set forth in a special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers : Sca ppoos e Dr aina ge D istri ct, esti mated con stru ctio n cost, $329,400 ; Rainier Drainage District, estimated construction cost, $25,700 ; Beaver Drainage District, estimated construction cost, $ 2 1 6, 6 00 ; McGr uder Drainage Dis trict, estimated construction cost , $33,200 ; Midland Drainage District, estimated construction cost, $ 62 , 60 0 ; M arshland Drainage District, estima ted construction cost, $60,100 ; Webb Drainage Dis tric t, esti mat ed c onst ruc tion co st, $61,100 ; Woodson Drainage District, estimated construction cost, $19,100 . Or' . County, Drainage and diking districts in Clatsop County, Oregon


and improve existing levees to increase flood protection for the following listed projects for the protection of agricultural commu- nities, contained in a special report in Office of the Chief of Engi- neers : Westport District, estimated construction cost, $27,200 ; T enas hilla he I slan d, e stima ted cons truct ion cost , $5 4,700

Bl ind Slo ugh, miscellaneo us dikes, estimat ed construction c ost, $92,200 ; Drainage District Numbered 1, estimated construction cost, $107,900 ; Knappa Area, miscellaneous dikes, estimated construction cost, $8,200

Karlson Island, estimated construction cost, $35,000 ; John Day River dikes, estimated construction cost, $27,800 ; Walluskia River dikes, estimated construction cost, $68,200 ; Youngs River dikes, estimated construction cost, $217,100 ; Diking District Numbered 2, estimated construction cost, $39,400 ; Diking District Numbered 3, estimated construction cost, $4,500 ; biking District Numbered 5, estimated construction cost, $12,900 ; Lewis and Clark River dikes, estimated construction cost, $88,000 ; Warrenton Diking District Numbered 1, estimated const ruction cost, $23 ,000 ; Wa rren ton Dik ing Dis tric t Numbered 2, estimated construction cost, $41,900 ; Warrenton Diking District Numbered 3, estimated construction cost, $14,900 . Wahkiakum Coun - Dra inage and Diking Di stricts in Wahkiaku m County, Washing- ty, Wash . to n : Levees to protect areas no w subjecte d to inund ation ; t he following projects are set forth in a special report in the Office of the Chief of Engineers : Skamokawa Cre ek Area ; estimated con- struction cost, $99,200 ; Upper Grays River Ar ea ; esti mated const ruc- tion cost, $78,200 ; Deep River Area ; estimated construction cost, $46,800. Sauvie Island (areas Sauvie Island (areas A and B) in Multnomah Co un ty, Oregon A and B), Oreg.

Levees to protect areas now subject to inundation ; special report