Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1657

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16 12

7 4TH CONGR ESS . SESS . II. CIA. 689 . JUNE 22, 1936 . and notices of changes in regulations, fiscal year 1935, $1,523 .44 : Proviso .

Provided That this appropriation shall not be available for the Newsp aper adv ertis- ing outside District of pay ment of a dver tisin g in news pape rs p ublis hed outside of the Columbia .

District of Columbia, notwithstanding the requirement for such advertising provided by existing law . Refund of erroneous Ref und of er rone ous co lle cti ons : For an additi onal amount for collections. payment of amounts collected by the District erroneously on account of taxes, fines, fees, and similar charges, which are returned to the respective parties who may have paid the same, fiscal year 1936, $35,000 : Provided, Th at this approp riation shall b e availa ble for refu nd of s uch erro neous p ayments made wi thin th e past t hree ye ars only . Proviso . Availability . Street and road im. provement, etc. Gas oline tax fun d . Designated railroad underpasses, ap- proaches. Sew ers .

SEWERS Cleaning, repair, etc . For an additional amount for cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $7,000 . City refuse .

COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE Ante, p. 351. For an addit ional amount for dust prevention, sweeping, and cleaning streets, avenues, alleys, and suburban streets, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $11,000 . For an additional amount to enable the Commissioners to carry out the provisions of existing law governing the collection and dis- posal of garbage, dead animals, night soil, and miscellaneous refuse an d ashes in the Distric t of Col umbia, includin g the s ame obje cts and under the same limitations specified under this heading in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $32,000 . Public playgrounds.

PUBL IC P LAY GROU NDS Maintenance .

For an add itional amount for gene ral mai ntenance , inclu ding th e Vol . 4s,p .856 .

same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1935, $163 . Collection and dis- posal . Ante, p . 351 . Garbage, dead ani- mals, ashes, etc . Public schools.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS Miscellaneous : For an additional amount for transportation for pupils attending schools for tubercular pupils, sight conservation pupils, and crippled pup ils, fiscal year 1936, $1, 350 . For an additional amount for fuel, gas, and electric light and power for the following fiscal years For 1935, $1,751 .11 . For 1936, $40,000 . l3ealtb department.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT Transportation . Fuel ,

light, power . Vehi cles . and STREET AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR Gasoline tax, road and street improvements : For grading, paving, and otherwise improving, including curbing and gutters where neces- sary, storm water drains, catch basins and connections thereto, the approaches to the underpass beneath the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad between the inter- section of Seventeenth Street and Douglas Street, northeast, and the intersection of New York Avenue and West Virginia Avenue, north- east, fisca l years 1936 and 1937, $9 0,000 . For an additional amount for maintenance and operation of motor ambulances and motor vehicles, fiscal years 1 1936, $200 . 1 So in original .