Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1676

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 689. JUNE 22, 1936 . adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their exch ange . For an additional amount for contingent expenses, Department of State, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1937, $5,700 . Printing and binding : For an additional amount for printing and binding, Departme nt of State, including the sam e objects specified under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years that follow, respectively For 1936, $5,000 ; For 1937, $2,000 . FOREIGN INTERCOURSE Ante, p.1310. Printing and binding . Ante, p.68. Ante, p.1311. For eign int erco urse . Transportation of Foreign Service officers : For an addit ional Transportation . amount for transportation of Foreign Service officers, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1936, $45,000 . Contingent expenses, Foreign Service : For an additional amount for contingent expenses, Foreign Service, including the same objects spec ified under this head i n the Depar tment of St ate Ap propri ation su mfrom bala nce re- appropriated . Act, 1936, $40,000, together with not to exceed $140,000 of the unex- Ante, p.72. pended balance of the appropriation for office and living quarters, Foreign Service, fiscal year 1936 . Payment to Gladys Hinckley Werlich : For payment to Gladys v e lihys Hinckley Hinckley Werlich, widow of McCeney Werlich, late a ForeiF Serv- Pa ym ent to. ice offic er of the U nited State s at Paris, Fran ce, of one year s sala ry of her deceased husband who died while in the Foreign Service, as auth orized by the Act approv ed May 18, 1 936 (P rivate Act N um- bered 567, Sevent y-fourth Congress), $4,100 . INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES, CO MMI SSIO NS, BU REA US, AND SO FO RTH Int erna tion al Con- gre sses, etc . International Boundary Commission, Unite d States and Mexico, International Bound- )

Commission, Unit- Un ited States Section-Rio Grande Diversion Dam : For beginning ed states and Mexico . the construction of a diversion dam in the Rio Grande wholly in the Dam Grande Dive rsi on United States, with appu rtenant connections to existin g irrigation systems, as authorized by law, fiscal year 1937, $1,000,000, under a total esti mated cost not to exce ed $1 ,400,0 00, t o be i mmedi ately avail - able and to be available also for the same objects of expenditure and under the same authority specified for other projects of the Com- mission in the second paragraph under the caption "International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico" contained in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1937 . International Joint Commission United States and Great Britain : In tern atio nal Joint C ommi ssi on, Unit ed For the expense of the investigation and report requested by section States and Great Brit- 4 of the Act of August 30, 1935 (49 Stat . 1048), including personal make Champlain to services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere without reference Hudson River water . way i nves tiga tion . to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; stenographic reporting An te, p . 10i00,p .733 . services by contract if deemed necessary, without regard to section u . S . c ., p .1803 . 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) ; rent ; travel- ing expenses ; stationery ; printing and binding ; hire, maintenance, and opera tion o f moto r-prop elled passe nger-c arryi ng veh icles ; and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, fiscal year 1936, $5,500, to remain available until June 30, 1937. Mixed Claims Commi ssion, United State s and Germany : For Mixed Claims Com- mission, United States expe nses o f dete rminin g the amount s of c laims agains t Germ any and Ge rma ny. by the Mixed Claims G~ommission established under the agreement vol .42, p . 2200; vol . conc luded betwee n the United State s and German y on A ugust 10, 45, p. 2698. 1922, and subsequent agreement between those Governments, for the Ante, p.70. Po st, p . 2296. Av aila bili ty . Ante, p. 1317. 16 31 Contingent expenses.