Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/170

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74T H CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935 .

125 United States, in excess of the rental rate charged for such quarters on March 5, 1934 ; subsistence allowances, $5,841,118 : Provided fur- the r, That, effective from, and after July 1, 1935, the value of one subsistence allowance, as that term is used in section 5 of the Pay Readjustment Ac t of June 10, 1 922 (42 Stat . 62 8), as amend ed, sh all be and remain fixed at 60 cents per day ; and the rate for one room for the purpose of computing the money allowance for rental of quarters authorized in section 6 of said Act shall be and remain fixed at $20 per month ; interest on soldiers' deposits, $30,000 ; pay- ment of exchange by officers serving in foreign countries, and when specially authorized by the Secretary of War, by officers disbursing funds pertaining to the War Department, when serving in Alaska, and all foreign money received shall be charged to and paid out by disbursing officers of the Army at the legal valuation fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, $100 ; in all, $161,063,594, less $285,000 to be supplied by the Secretary of War for this purpose from funds received during the fiscal year 1936 from the purchase by enlisted men of the Army of their discharges, $160,778,594 ; and the money Accounted for as one herein appropriated for "Pay, and so forth, of the Army" shall be rued. accounted for as one fund : Provided, That no part of this appropri- ation shall be available to pay any officer detailed as a military aide to any civil officer of the United States outside of the War Depart- ment except the President : Provided further, That no appropriation contained in th is Act shall be available for or on account of the maintenance of more than thirty-two military attaches : Pro vid ed further, That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be avail- able for or on account of the maintenance of more than eighty- three ban ds : Prov ided furth er, Tha t du ring the fis cal year end ing June 30, 1936, no officer of the Army shall be entitled to receive an addition to his pay in consequence of the provisions of the Act approved May 11, 1908 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 803), or of section 1261 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 692) . None of the money appro priated in thi s Act shall be u sed . to pay any officer on the retired list of the Army who for himself or for others engages in the selling, contracting for the sale of, negotiating for the sale of, or furnishing to the Army or the War Department any sup plies, mater ials, equipme nt, la nds, b uildin gs, pla nts, v essels , or munitions . None of the money appropriated in this Act shall be paid to any officer on the retired list of the Army who, having been retired before reaching the age of sixty-four, is employed in the United States or its possessions by any individual, partnership, corporation, or association regularly or frequently engaged in making direct sales of any merchandise or material to the War Department or the Army . No appro priation for th e pay of the A rmy shall be av ailable for the pay of any officer or enlisted man on the active list of the Army who is engaged in any manner w ith any publica tion which is or may be issued by or for any branch or organization of the Army or mili- tary association in which officers or enlisted men have membership and which carries paid advertising of firms doing business with the War Department : Provided, however, That no thing herein con- tained shall be construed to prohibit officers from writing or dis- seminating articles in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of War . TRAVEL OF THE AR MY For trav el allowances a nd travel in k ind, as authori zed by law, eto ravel allowances, for persons traveling in connection with the military and nonmili- tary activities of the War Department, including mileage, transpor- Value of a subsistence allowance . Vol. 42, p. 628. U.S.C.,p.1619. Ra te for one room. Loss by exchange . Provisos . Detail as military aide restricted. Num ber of military attaches limited . Maximum number of bands. No additional pay for furnishing mounts or service as aide. Vol. 35, p. 108. R.S.,sec. 1261, p. 220 ; U. S. C., pp . 264, 267 . Pay forbidden to a reti red of ficer sellin g supplies to Army . To officer retired be- fo re 64, emp loye d by parties making sales to Department . Eng age d in is sui ng certain service publica- tions . Proviso . Exemption .