Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1811

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936 . ap propriatio ns hereaft er made f or the acq uisition o f land pur suant to the authorization contained in the Act of June 18, 1934, shall be available for the purpose of discharging the obligation or obligations so created . Ind ustr ial ass ista nce

INDUST RIAL ASSI STANCE AND ADVANCEM ENT and advancement . Timber preservation, For the prese rvation of timber on Indian re servations and allo t- et c. ments other than the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin, the educa tion of I ndians in the prope r care of forests, and the ge neral administration of forestry and grazing work, including fire preven- tion and payment of reasonable rewards for information leading to arrest and conviction of a person or persons setting forest fires, or taking or otherwise destroying timber, in contravention of law on Pro viso .

Indian lands, $260,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be Forest lands, admin- istration from proceeds available for the expenses of administration of Indian forest lands of sales, etc .

from which timber is sold to the extent only that proceeds from the sales of timber from such lands are insufficient for that purpose . Timber sales, etc ., For expenses incidental to the sale of timber, and for the expenses expenses ; reimbursable . of administration, including fire prevention, of Indian forest lands from which such timber is sold to the extent that the proceeds vol. 41, p. 415, of such sales are sufficient for that purpose, $120,000, re imb ursa ble u. S. C., p. 1029. to the United States as provided in the Act of February 14, 1920 Pro viso .

(U . S . C ., title 25, sec . 413) : Provided, That this appropriation shall Rewards for informa- ti on. b e available for the pa yment of r easonable rewards fo r informat ion leading to arrest and conviction of a person or persons setting forest fires, or taking or otherwise destroying timber, in contravention of law. Suppression, etc ., of For the suppression or emergency prevention of forest fires on or forest fires. threatening Indian reservations, $15,000, together with $25,000 from funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes of Provsos .

Indians interested : Provided, That not to exceed $50 000 of a ro- available . fo nal sums priations herein made for timber operations and for support and administration purposes may be transferred, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for fire-suppression or emergency pre- vention purposes, and allotments of funds so transferred shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior only after the obligation for Report of diversions the expenditure has been incurred : Provided further, That any diver- to Congress .

sions of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Geological Survey .

For transfer to the Geological Survey for expenditures to be made Transfer of sum to, for supervising min- in insp ecting min es and exa mining min eral depos its on Ind ian lands ing operations, etc . Ante, p . 1620.

and in supervising mining operations on restricted, tribal, and allotted Indian lands leased under the provisions of the Acts of February 35`ol. 26, p . 973V ol . 28, 1891 (U. S. C., title 25, sees. 336, 371, 397), May 27, 1908 (35 Stat., U.S.C.,p.1025.

p . 312), March 3, 1909 (U. S . C ., title 25, sec . 396), and other Acts authorizing the leasing of such lands for mining purposes, $65,000 . Employment for In- For the purpose of obtaining remunerative employment for dians . Indians, $40,750. Agriculture and stock For the purpose of developing agriculture and stock raising raising .

among the Indians, including necessary personnel, traveling and other expenses, and purchase of supplies and equipment, $6 00, 220, Agricultural experi- of which not to exceed $15,000 may be used to conduct agricultural ments and demonstra-

y t i o n s .

experiments and demonstrations on Indian school or agency farms and to maintain a supply of suitable plants or seed for issue to Navajo sheep-breed- Indians, and not to exceed $30,000 may be used for the opera- ing station . tion and maintenance of a sheep-breeding station on the Navajo Reservation . Encouraging indus- For the purpose of encouraging industry and self-support among try, etc ., among In- dians.

the Indians and to aid them in the culture of fruits, grains, and other c rops, $165,000, which sum may be used for the purchase of